Chapter 12: The Birth

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"Ahhh! I can't push anymore! Get this thing out of me now!" Ella yelled in pain, just then a small bloody moving creature was held in the hands of the doctor, then the doctor wiped the creature to see that it was. A beautiful baby girl was welcomed into this world with a wonderful name, Eva. Eva Webster. Max kissed Ella's head "I told you third time's a charm" Ella looked up at him and smiled in pain. What does he mean as third time's a charm? As the doctor left Ella and Max together with their beautiful baby girl they talked about their past and how they overcame obstacles together. "It's like you know that this time everything will be okay" Ella said excited.

"Trust me, I did not know a thing I was just trying to make you happy because you started being a pain in the but" Max said laughing.

"YOU CRIED TOO OKAY!" Ella said rolling her eyes.

"Chill, I was just kidding. After our first try the baby died when coming out and then trying again but it was a miscarriage, I knew that we had enough and there was nothing that can beat out relationship and now...our kid" Max said sitting on the couch relaxing.

"Do you need something-" A voice came in "Like money or you billing or you know maybe a father or husband" Just then Zane walked in. Max walked in front of Zane only Max's head in front of Zane's eyes. "Haha did not see you there, how is everything with your business. I heard that its running out of funds and that you took a big loan for that and you can't pay the bank back" Zane said with his hands in his pocket while his body gaurds pushed Max away.

"A business is a business don't have to leak any information here, where my wife and my new born daughter is " Max said sitting on the couch restlessly.

"Why? Be a man come on, tell them that if you don't pay in 30 days your $850,000 loan you will go behind bars." Zane said.

Ella looked mad and worried at Max, as Max turned away from looking at her "Oh yeah so how much you got champ? What $50-60 that aint gonna pay even a quarter of the hospital bills, if you want you could go get a toy for you baby with that much and give it to her before you go to jail" Zane said laughing.

"Listen here I have $250,000 its not like I have ran out of money" Max said whispering in Zane's ear, The body guards pushed Max down onto the seat and held him back. "That at least will pay only the hospital bills" Zane said.

"Stop all of you! I have a baby in my hand and I only have 5 more mins before they take her, and Max we aren't finished with this. Zane please pay for it I'll do anything just bail Max out of this" ''Oh sure, anything for you m-lady but I can't talk to a person that can't handle money so I would need to talk to you about everything." Zane continued, "Llévalo lejos" The body guards took Max out off the room at wrestled him on the ground, Ella press the button and the nurse came too take the baby, as the nurse opened the door Ella yelled, "¡Deja de hacerle daño!" The bodyguard nodded and did not wrestle.

"So when I checked through his bills he needs to pay the bank $850,000 and then pay the hospital which is $90,000 but since he has rented some land for his business he needs to pay $190 per acre and he has 20 acre of land meaning if you times $190 by 20" Zane says while taking out his calculator to do his math "He will need to pay $3,800"

Ella said, "Smart, I see someone's really good".

"Oh Ella, I haven't been the same without you since you left. Can I tell you something honest? As a friend?" Zane asked.

"If you're about to tell me that you want me to marry you and you love me and all that stuff then no. But if it's something else, sure! As long as it's sensible as friends." Ella said.

"It's honest. You know I'll always love you no matter what but it's not that either. It' just, what do you even see in Max that you don't see in me. I'm rich, he's not the same, I'm a good guy, he's so and so." Zane asked.

"It's not all about the money, it's about the fact that we love each other and are married." Ella said softly.

"Oh please Ella. If he loved you, he wouldn't leave you high and dry with me. He loved Star, he still does. After all the baby drama, he's recently smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol like crazy." Zane said softly.

"Alright! I don't want to get too attached, so I better get going" Zane said turning towards the door "He has to pay $943,800 which I will pay for" He added walking out as his bodyguards followed him, That's when Max came right in saving himself from the bodyguards.

"What did that monster do to you Ella?" Max yelled furiously.

"Nothing, he was quite kind but the real question here is, what did you do to yourself?" Ella asked.

"Me? What did I do to myself? I'm fine." Max answered.

"Cigarettes!? Max, just because there are problems in our family, doesn't mean you need to kill yourself." Ella yelled softly. Max barged out of the hospital and took a cigarette out as he blew the smoke out of his mouth as he took his phone out of his pocket to call Star, "Sorry the person your calling has their phone switched off, please try again later."

Max got into his car and drove to her house, leaving Ella alone in unbearable internal pain at the hospital.

"SERIOUSLY!" Max unlocked her door with the extra key she gave him and rushed inside the house, right onto the couch. Star shut her eyes and face palmed.

"You were the only one who knew that I smoked" Max yelled.

"Yeah I am the only one?" She looked up at Max on the couch.

"Really, how does Zane know and now ELLA!" Max looked at her red face.

"Max I need to tell you something, as your elder sister by 2 months-" Star was interrupted. "Correction...Elder by 2 months but yet still the same age step sister" "He knew because he was keeping tabs on you.. He knew that you and Ella were having a baby again." Star said feeling her stomach.

"Wait, you and Zane are dating?" Max was stunned.

"Well we were, but when I told him about the baby, he said he liked another girl and that he can't take care of this one" Star said in pain.

"How old?" Max asked.

"Three weeks" Star said.

At around 2 am, Max opened his door of his house and crept in, he heard the sound of someone with a beautiful voice singing a lullaby. He took his coat and hung on the rack, he then entered the living room.

"What a great father you are, just storming off leaving his own wife and daughter. And on top of that he lies to his wife and keeps a secret that he smokes!" Ella softly shouted, sitting on a rocking chair rocking back and forth with the baby in her hands. Max sat down on the couch as he looked out of the large window where he could see the view of the city, "You know I always wanted a normal life, with two parents that were in love and grow up to get one just like my mom should have, and well I thought I had one, I had the love of my life but all he cares about his cigarettes and his wealth, and when everything falls apart all he can do is smoke but yet I still love him, actually loved him,"Ella said.

Max wide eyed looked at her. "I know and I am sorry. I just want to make it upto you and I just want to have a normal life" Max said. "If you want to make up to me, then I demand a divorce immediately." Ella said.

"Ella, you know that's not possible. I love you!" Max said trying to convince her.

"It's my wish!" Ella said, "That is right, I want a divorce!" Ella said kissing Eva's tiny head.

"I can't let you do that" Max said standing up.

" I want a divorce and I want to be paid $100 dollars every month for child care" Ella demanded.

"Ella I am sorry and I did not-" Max tried defending himself.

"Save it, I have had enough!" Ella walked away into the room. Max sighed and went to his coat pocket. He took the ring which Ella and Max wore when they were kids, the one that was supposed to put a curse on them. Did it actually curse them? As Max pondered over the ring he looked at the wedding ring on his finger. Something occurred to him, he went into the attic over their villa and got his toolkit, He took his hammer out and smashed the ring, then he went to his home office where the glass was sound proof and hammered the ring while been hammered the ruby popped out of the ring holder to find a red light flickering, he wanted to break the ring further but he couldn't, it was unbreakable.

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