Chapter 10: Is this really what you want?

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After a moment, Max also decided to change into his elegant black velvet suit which had a red coloured note hidden away in one of the side pockets of his coat that read "I know this is weird I'll explain and home, love you forever xoxo...xoxoxoxo" He smiled and kissed the note putting it back in his pocket while walking down the stairs and then he buttoned his blazer and walked down to see Zane looking at Ella worried if she was okay, then both looked up at the stairs to see Max come down with his suit and walked ignoring both of them and off he went. Suddenly the owners of the house arrived home and was curious about what was going on but they were too tired to ask because it was already very late but Zane did not care. He simply hugged Ella one more time and then wrote his phone number down on a card and popped it in her small hand purse that came with the dress. That's when Max had to take the trouble to come out of the limousine to reach out for Ella.

"You ready? Or do you want to stay with your hubby?" Max said sassily.

"I'm coming. Such a snob. Ugh" Ella replied in the same way.

"Well, chop chop then. My mistress is waiting for me back at my house." Max said hurrying Ella up. Ella remained silent and simply went inside the limousine. She may have looked calm and like she didn't care. Inside her heart, she was broken and pessimistic, her shattered into pieces of glass when Max mentioned his mistress (in other words, his girlfriend). Ella thought to herself, Is this how fast Max replaced me? Is this really what he wants? I really hope that girl could make him feel full in his life since I wasn't enough for him.

On the other hand, Max wasn't elated about his decision either. He took a moment to himself to think about it, Will someone like Veronica be enough to make me feel contented in life? Is she the woman I see myself with in 5-8 years time? Will Zane be enough for Ella? Are they made for each other? Is this really what you want, Ella? They both still felt the same way for each other and they only knew that about themselves but the chaos just grew bigger 4 hours in a limousine and not knowing where the driver was taking them, Ella being on one side of the car and Max being on the other they both did not speak to each other and just looked out of the window depressed and alone. When Ella opened up her purse to take her phone out, she saw the card with Zanes beautiful handwriting of his number and behind it, it said "Call me if you need me mate :)" She seemed like she needed someone but not Zane she still knew Max loved her she couldn't make the same mistake to him twice

"Are you reading what that desperate Aussie mate sent" Max said rolling his eyes

"Why are you being such a jerk! and why are interfering in our business I would have told you if you were still my "Boyfriend ''''

"L-O-L Mate I don't need a girl like you, thanks to you I just used you such as being the weakest boy in class and kissing you was all just a big fat lie so then you would fall in love with me and help me become popular and I am so happy you mother is not alive because she was a freak a talkative freak she couldn't even keep you safe! "Champ" " Max said in an Australian accent

"Stop Max! Just stop your being so annoying and that was RUDE. My mother kept me safe my entire life and because of you coming into my life this chaos started! Your annoying and obnoxious you should still be happy you have your family! Because I have none left! And stop speaking in an australian accent cause maybe YES, ACTUALLY YES I DO LIKE ZANE THAT DEPRESSED AUSSIE MATE" Ella yelled

Max looked away and saw the driver listening to the conversation. All of a sudden the british driver stopped the car at the side of the road. Max knew what was happening but did not stop it. Ella on the other hand was curious and tried not to cry in front of everyone.

"Mam please leave as this is Sir Max's limo and you have just upset him so please step out of the vehicle" The driver said looking into the mirror that faced them

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