Coming To

22 2 0

          Armis blinked rapidly to try and adjust her eyes to the bright sunlight shining in her face. She patted her hands on the ground and felt soft blades of grass underneath her fingers. Looking around, she appeared to be in a field of some sorts. Brushing herself off, she stood and looked around more. "Rude." She muttered talking about her ungraceful drop off into this world.

          Hearing some distant voices nearby, she started walking towards it. She felt a surge of energy running through her and she figured it was chakra and tried to jump up on the tree branches. However, she miscalculated, or didn't exert enough chakra( which is what she thought anyway) and fell back to the ground. Groaning in pain, she got up again with some trouble and decided to keep going on towards the voices. 

          She inwardly freaked out about her wardrobe and felt around until she came across the cool metal of a headband. She took it off and look at it. The symbol of the Village hidden in the Leaves was carved proudly into the metal. She put it back on before looking down at her clothes and found she was dressed as a traditional kunoichi. Her clothes resembled something a mix of Temari's clothing but with Sasuke's colors. Nodding in approval at her style, she kept going until she saw team seven.           

          Knowing that she wouldn't be able to get by unnoticed by Kakashi and maybe even Sasuke, she didn't bother trying to sneak past. But it isn't like she tried to make a scene like Naruto either. She gave them a second glance and noticed Naruto's attire. Oh, so she was dropped off in Shippuden. But then where was Sai? Why was Sasuke there? That's not how she remembered it to be. She shrugged and went over to them giving them a smile and a wave.<br />


          "Hey Aimisu!" Naruto waved and smiled at her. Sasuke only looked up and shrugged but Sakura gave a smile. 

          "What brings you here?" Kakashi asked. "I thought we were the only ones using them today. I apologize if we disrupted your training."

          "No, you're fine, I just finished up actually I was about to head to Ichiraku and replenish my energy."

          "Ooh! We could go together! I love going to Ichiraku!" Naruto said excitedly.

           "Of course you do Naruto, we all know that. But we haven't finished training yet. You still have yet to master your water chakra nature." Sakura scolded.

          "It's my secondary chakra nature, of course it's going to be a little more difficult." Naruto whined.

           "Sasuke can master his lightning chakra nature and that's secondary." Sakura bragged.

          "Do I look like Sasuke?! Do I Sakura?! For ramen sake! You and every other girl obsessed with him take a genuinely good guy and then compare him to Sasuke and then that guy looks like garbage! That's not fair Sakura! I'm not Sasuke! I'm trying my hardest to get this right! I used up all my chakra doing this since you guys don't want me to use my clones to help me out." Naruto snapped.

          Armis had never seen Naruto snap at any of his friends before, but then again she also never saw Sasuke passed the chunin exams. She decided to try and ease the situation. "Sakura, he has a point. Naruto tries hard, you don't know what he does when you guys are dismissed from training. You don't know if he spends long hours day and night training hard for his chakra nature. You probably think that he just eats ramen and sleeps all day and only trains when he's required to. You don't know much about him. It's not right to judge." 

          Sakura lowers her head before growling and throwing a punch at Naruto, to which he blocks. He dodges any further attempts at punches from the now ashamed pink haired female. Once she stops swinging at him, he sighs and starts to head off the training grounds. He gives a half smile to Kakashi. "Sorry Kaka-sensei. I'm skipping the rest of training." 

          Sasuke shakes his head at Sakura and walks off beside Naruto. "That was uncalled for Sakura, deal with your shame properly. You already insulted him."

          Armis looks between Kakashi, Sakura, and the pair walking away before deciding to follow Sasuke and Naruto. She doesn't need to look back to know that Sakura was scolded for her behavior. She smiles as she comes up beside Naruto. "Hey, for both of your hard work today, I'll pay."

          Naruto goes from brooding to beaming in an instant and Sasuke shakes his head, a small smile forming on his lips. Armis couldn't blame him as she smiled too. Naruto's smile was just so contagious.

          They settled at the stools and Naruto eagerly ordered. "Two ramen miso, one with extra pork, and Sasuke what's yours?" he turned to the raven haired male who only scoffed. "I'll have mine normal."

          Armis ordered a ramen miso with pork and smiled as they waited. They chatted a bit about what they did that day. Armis made something up about waking up early and deciding to give her house a good clean to which Naruto grimaced at but Sasuke gave a small nod to. 

          "You cleaned your whole house that early?! I don't even wake up before ten! Well, unless we have to do training. Then I get up at around 7:15, then I get dressed and by that time it'll be 7:30. Then it takes me about half an hour to get to the training grounds since they're all the way across the village." Naruto said said reciting his daily schedule.

          Armis nodded. "Yeah, well I didn't have to meet up with the team today so I did some cleaning and then went to do some training."

          Sasuke had stayed quiet besides the usual "hn" noise that came out.

          They had decided to part ways after lunch and now Armis had the issue of finding a place to stay. Luckily for her, she was provided with such things when she heard a voice say 'It's in your pocket'. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the directions to a nice and quite little small house. 

          She was exhausted when she got in the door and decided to crash on the couch and take a long deserved sleep.

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