Chapter 2

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April 1958

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April 1958

The night of the concert. I actually had butterflies in my stomach jumbling about in me. I was excited to see Ricky again. Maybe hoping he would take notice in me. Silly notation but I wanted nothing more.

I was able to buy a dress from Woolworths. It was a light baby pink dress. I had my hair done up in curlers. My make up was done. I had my nails done. I was even wearing high heels.

I did not feel like myself. But I felt all dolled up. Like one of the Supremes. Ricky lived near us over in Hollywood, we lived here in Los Angeles. Where all the action was.

This place was so huge we never ran in the same crowds. So, it was not like the old days when I saw him before. Running into Ricky at the malt shop. Nothing like the old days. I glance my image in the mirror. I was ready.


"Willow are you ready to go?" calls out Mary Ellen from the living room.

"Ready, be right there" I answer her.

"Corey is here to take us to the concert" she answers me.

Time to go! I grab my purse. And check my reflection one more time. I was ready to go now. Time to see Ricky. My one shot. I could not blow this. Well I probably would blow it. I head out of my room.

Corey claps then whistles for me. Mary Ellen giggles. Corey hands us each a fancy flower to wear on our wrist though he was clearly with Mary Ellen tonight. They made sure they were both wearing matching outfits.

They looked simply adorable to!


"You guys both look fantastic tonight" I brag on them. Mary Ellen was blushing.

"This is our first date" admits Corey.

I gasp. Mary Ellen nods. "I am so happy for you both!" I gush. I hug Mary Ellen. "sorry I have to tag along"

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