Chapter 18

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I was finally over my cold

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I was finally over my cold. I was feeling ten times better. Ricky had really taken good care of me. Making me feel so loved. I adored getting so much attention from him. I was not used to getting attention from Elvis though to. I was pretty shy. But it felt nice to have two handsome men caring for me. Ricky was the main one. He was the only one who I wanted attention from.

I was at the store. While Ricky was at a band practice. He was on my mind all day we were apart. He wanted me to be safe. But I told him I would be fine to go to the store right next door.

I would not be gone long. I wanted to get Rick a little gift. A thank you gift for taking care of me. And bringing me on this tour. I was in Woolworths looking for a gift.


"May I help you madame?" a salesclerk asks me.

I glance up. "I am looking for a gift for my boyfriend" I tell her. "a thank you gift. But I want it to be romantic" I tell her.

She nods. "How about fancy cuff links? You can have his entitles engraved on them to right here in the store for only fifteen more cents" she tells me. "They come in gold and silver" she explains as she points to them in the case.

"Oh, love it! Yes, I will take a gold pair and a sliver" I add.

I buy the sliver for Elvis. With the EP engraved on them for him. As a thank you. Then I have them wrapped in a box. And I get Ricky a card with a love note written on it.

I jot down a little poem on it. I get Elvis a card that says thanks for being my friend. Then I was ready to go back. Until I see Ricky's favorite candy. I buy him a box. As I go to leave a girl stops me.

"You are Ricky Nelson's girl, right? I saw you in the papers!" she asks me.

"Oh yes I am she" I tell her.

"Is Ricky with you? I know he is doing a concert tonight" she wants to know.

"Oh no he is not with me. He is at practice" I stammer.

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