Back before he was famous rocker Ricky Nelson dated Willow Berkeley's older sister Avery. Willow ends up seeing Ricky at one of his concerts. She gets to go back at a meet and greet to see him.
He remembers her as well as her sister. This time he fi...
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"Ricky I am so tired" I yawn as I rest my head on his shoulder.
The concert was over. We were all on the tour bus. Traveling to another state.
I climb on a bunkbed with Ricky. It was small but cozy. I was getting used to life on the bus with Ricky. I did not mind being on the road. I did really miss Mary Ellen and Corey.
I called Mary Ellen and wrote her a postcard from every state we went to visit. Every city. I also bought post cards from places we visited. For my scrapbook I was making.
Ricky pulls me in his embrace. We are face to face. He smiles at me as he reaches out moving my hair out of my face as the bus rocks a little while we speed down the highway.
We had a little lighting from the moon here in the window. I lean in kissing him on the lips. He returns my kisses.
"I am tired to. We had a great time tonight huh?" he asks me as he yawns.
"Yes, the concert was fantastic. I love hearing you sing" I say.
"And Elvis...." he teases me.
"You!" I remind him.
I boop my nose with his then kiss him.
"Those girls screamed louder for Elvis when he was on stage" mentions Ricky. "They do every time" he sighs. "I do not know why I let it get to me"
"Those girls do not know good music. You are the best. I'll have to scream louder for you backstage" I joke. "And who cares about all those other girls anyway?" I say.
"True. When I have the best girl right here in my arms" he agrees.
He holds me closer. He was shirtless. I feel his hard chest press into mine as he holds me close. The warmth of his body heat was comforting. I was so in love with him.
The girls were going wild for him to. I was a little jealous they were screaming for him. And wanting more. But he could only see after what they did when Elvis was on the stage. Ricky oozed talent. I wanted him to see that.