chapter one

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Zed and I were playing basketball at the beach, even though I was 5'4 and he was 6'2, I could get past his blocking.

Where are my manners, I am Malia Haven, and I am from London, I moved here to Seabrook about 6 months ago when my parents both got promotion in Paris.

I became best friends with Zed and now we're glued to the hip, plus I'm best friends with Eliza which we love to protest together.

It was currently the 2nd last day of summer and Addison was to come home from cheer camp.

"Go Malia go! Go Malia go!" Zoey cheered as I dribbled past Zed.

I jumped dunking the ball in the basket as Zed groaned.

"You are tiny but vicious." I smiled at my bestfriend.

"Come on, we have to take Zoey home, then see your dad." I said.

Zed picked Zoey up, as we made our way.

"Hey, Dad." Zed said as we made our way into the powerplant.

"Hey, son."

"First day as foreman of the demo crew! A big day for zombie kind." I smiled at Zion.

"Yeah, you'll do great. Just don't make any lame zombie dad jokes." Zed patted his dad shoulder.

"But the workin' stiffs love 'em." I burst out laughing.

We heard protesting from a room, and it belonged to Eliza.

"Hey, hey, ho ho, this demolition has got to go!" She chanted.

"They can't tear it down guys, Seabrook power hasn't worked for years." Eliza said.

"It's an important of zombie heritage."

"This is process, Eliza." I replied.

"And now we get to go to prawn!" Zed exclaimed.


"I dream of a day where we ditch our z-bands and let our inner monsters roar!"

"ROAR!" Eliza yelled into the microphone as Zed and I pulled her away.

"Come on." I laughed as I picked Zoey, as we made our way out.

I held onto the ladder as Zed screwed the light bulbs into the big arrow.

"When can I throw the confetti?" Zoey asked.

"You'll know." I winked at her.

The light bulbs finally turned on, causing Zed and I too turn as the bus was coming for us.

We screamed as it hit into us, Zed got onto the roof. I quickly grabbed onto an open window as everyone screamed out.

"Help me in you crones!" I yelled at Bucky and Stacey.

They both grabbed onto me, pulling my small frame through the window.

I fell into their laps as the bus made it's way down the hill crashing through trees.

"A!" I yelled hugging my favourite cousin.

The bus stopped causing a sign of relief to grow over me.

"Is everybody okay?" Bucky asked as I hugged Bree.

He then stood up screaming.

"Nothing can happen to me! I'm way too important!" He opened the back door before jumping out as Addison and I stood up.

"Everybody, calm down!" We both said.

"Great leadership Addie! Very future cheer captain of you." Bree said as a realization came to my head.

"Zed!" Addison and I both yelled before running off the bus.

zombies book-1 -Wyatt Lykensen Where stories live. Discover now