chapter four

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My head laid on the table as I held onto a handful of pens for Bree, I was half asleep when something banged on the table.

I shot up throwing the pens into the air as they scattered around the floor.

"Oh come on!" I groaned.

"Lies! These history books claim werewolves attack Seabrook settlers. But they struck first and stole our moonstone." Willa huffed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that." Addison said as I got up to collect the pens.

"There's a lot you don't know." Willa said before picking up the books.

"I know the alarm's going to go off, if you don't check out those books!" I stood up.

Willa pulled something off of her neck, throwing it onto the detectors as it glitched.

She walk out but not before grabbing her necklace.

"Our necklaces have away with electronics." The boy said before winking at me as my mind clicked.

"Hey! You're that worker guy." I said as Wyatt and the other three walked out.

After school, Zed, Eliza, Zoey and I made our way over to the werewolves who sat at a table in front of a shop in Zombie town.

"Win the wolves' vote, win the election. Easy." Zed said as I rose a brow.

"Hello, wolves' allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, zombie, football star, presidental hopeful." He held out his hand laughing weakly.

No one shook his hand as he pulled it away.

"... okay." He said as I patted his shoulder.

"When zombies first came to Seabrook, we were outsiders, too." Eliza said.

"Which is way you need a great president like, Zed. To represent you." I said using jazz hands.

"We'd be honored if you guys joined us."

"Our pack is our pack. We don't need anyone else, so..."

"Who doesn't want more friends?" Zoey asked Wynter.

"Underneath all that fluffy hair. I bet you're a real softy!" I smiled at her as Wynter went down to her height.

"I am a mean, mean werewolf, kid. I am tough and rough."

"Aww, you said "ruff." Iike a sweet little puppy dog. Ruff! Ruff!"

"We are beasts of the forest, we will never be tamed!" Wynter said as Zoey started scratching the back of her ear.

"Oh boy. Oh wow, that's great. Oh wow." Willa gave her a look.

"Sorry." Wynter whispered.

"We're nothing like you zombies." Willa stood up.

"You sort of are." Eliza replied.

"Your necklaces are powered, right? Kind of like an organic z-band."

"You're smarter then he looks." Zed looked confused as I laughed.

"Thanks." Eliza said.

"That necklace keeps you from fully wolfing out?" Zed asked trying to touch it as Willa slapped him.

"The opposite. Our moonstones make us our true werewolf selves."

"So without you'd be human?"

"No, we'd die." Willa replied.

"We'd be nothing."

"Imagine how alived you'd feel if you didn't have to tamp things down. Hold back your true selves." Wyatt said as I caught his eyes making my cheeks burn.

"Actually. I've got this theory that zombies might've evolved beyond their need of Z-bands." Zed and I laughed uncomfortably.

"Z-bands are great, they help you fit in. And I think you guys would have a much better time at Seabrook if you just followed in our footsteps." Zed said.

"Join a club, play football. I'll even teach you how to tackle." Zed said pointing at Wynter.

"Just lighten up. Be more like us." The wolves pushed past us.

Wynter tackled Zed to the ground before jumping up as the wolves howled.

"Ow!" Zed groaned as I laughed.

"I guess you could say you were having a ball." I held onto my stomach.

"I am hilarious." I wiped my eyes.

"All humans out of Zombie Town. I repeat All humans out of Zombie Town." I sighed.

"Well, I got to go." I said as I helped Zed up.

"See ya, Malia." He hugged me.

"Yup." I pulled away.

"Malia!" Zoey said pushing past Wyatt and Willa.

"Hey, little one." I said as she jumped into my arms.

"Are you sure you have to go?" I nodded.

"Sorry, love. Mayors ordered." I kissed her cheek before setting her down.

"I'll see you tomorrow alright?" She nodded.

"Malia, let's go." Uncle Dave called as I sighed making my way to the gate.

Later that night, around 12:00am I was taking a jog in the forbidden forest, as I couldn't sleep.

I kept on thinking about when I first shook Wyatt's hand, and how I felt everytime he was around.

I turned down a path when I bumped into someone, stopping I took out my ear buds.

"Hello?" I asked as I saw golden eyes.

Stepping out of the darkness, was Wyatt as I kept my cool.

"You shouldn't be walk around in the forest at night, you don't know who could be out here." I chuckled.

"Don't you mean, what?" I asked.

"That too." He smiled.

"What're you doing up?" He asked stepping closer to me.

"Couldn't sleep. What about you?" I asked arms crossed.

"Patrol, there could be hunters."

"Hunters are mostly in London. There hasn't been hunters here in years."

"And how do you know?" He stepped behind me, sniffing my hair.

"Because most of us moved to London 13 years ago." I said as he stopped.

"Your from a family of hunters?" Wyatt asked.

"Yup. But that's what my mother told me." I replied.

"All I know is of the stories my mom told me."

Wyatt was now a couple of inches away from me, his long nails grazed up my naked arm causing goosebumps to litter my skin.

"And what are those stories?" He asked as his breath fanned across my face.

"That over a hundred years, beings with fangs and glowing yellow eyes that howled at the moon, invaded Seabrook. They killed about 20 wolves but most went into hiding." I took a breath.

"That's what my mother said... but I never believed her." I replied.

"You should leave. Before they send a search party for you." And with that he was gone.

zombies book-1 -Wyatt Lykensen Where stories live. Discover now