chapter two

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Addison and I quickly made our way through the trees, up the hill to find Zed.

"Ah!" Addison hissed as a throne sliced her arm.

"Are you okay?" I asked as she nodded.

"Yeah." She replied as we stood in an opening.

There was a rustling from behind us as we turn quickly.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Zed?" Addison asked as we looked violently around us.

"Who's there? Hello?"

"Can anybody hear us?"

"Zed?" We both asked as we gasps as someone ran ways away from us.

We heard growling from behind us as we turned two people jumped onto two boulders.

We heard branches break as we turned around as a girl jumped onto a bigger one before howling at the moon.

We heard more howling before they all disappeared.

We looked around frantically before turning to look at the way we came.

Someone touched our shoulders as we screamed, turning around Addison slapped the person who turned out to be Zed.

"Zed!" We both cheered hugging him.

"I missed you too." He laughed as others came along with Zoey.

I smiled at the little one before picking her up.

"Zoey." Addison said.

"We're not alone, we're surrounded by."

"Werewolves." Addison said as the Acey's gasped.

"Cool!" Zoey cheered.

"What? wolves?"

"What wolves?"

"Here wolves?"

"Werewolves!" The Acey's gasped before taking out their phones and frantically texting.

Addison and I walked into the cafeteria as Uncle Dave and Aunt Missy ran to us.

"Malia, Addison, are you two okay."

"Werewolves running around." We made our way to the stands.

"Malia! Your head is bleeding!" Uncle Dave said.

"I'm okay." I said as we turned.

"Aunt Missy and Uncle Dave. The crash was horrible but I protected Addison." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyone as courageous as me would've done the same. Though not really, I am brave."

"Mom, Dad everything is fine."

"It is not fine! There is werewolves circling around us right now! Waiting to attack." Uncle Dave said.

"Yeah, and I'm way too tasty... I'm looking like a snack. Someone has to do something!" Bucky said.

"And someone will! Hold my purse!" Aunt Missy said slapping her purse into Uncle Dave's chest.

She went to the podium and banged her gavel.

"By order of the city council, effective immediately. All anti-monster laws are reinstated!" She banged her gavel as everyone cheered.

"Mom, that is unfair!" Addison yelled as Aunt Missy zipped her lips.

Zed came over as I sighed.

"Zed, we need to talk." Addison said.

"We do." Zed agreed.

"Even though you didn't write or answered any of my letters."

"No, I wrote. A lot. The Aceys shredded all of our letters." Addison said holding up her makeshift pom-poms.

We turned our heads to the Aceys who chuckled waving to us.

Zed smiled before going down onto one knee.

"Addison. Will you make me the luckiest zombie and be my date to prawn." Zed asked.


"Great! No?"

"Everyone's freaking out about zombies. The anti-monster laws are in affect again, which means..."

"Zombies can't go to prawn. Ouch!" Bucky touched Zed's shoulder.

"But we're going to fight this Zed." I said touching his shoulder.

"Okay. So that is why you said no?"

"Yeah. Why are you smiling?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because when you said no, I thought that you didn't like me anymore... but the problem here is a bunch of blood thirsty werewolves!"

"We can totally fix that!"

I jumped over the barrier to give Zoey back her doll, zombies were running around and none zombies were running out.

I found her talking to a worker, making me raise a brow.

"Zoey? What are you doing?" I asked as I got to her.

"Malia!" Zoey yelled jumping into my arms.

"Um, hello?" I asked looking the worker up and down.

His eyes were huge and I could smell the sent of forest on him.

My mother side of my family were said to be hunters ever since the 1600's, and my parents taught me everything I needed to know.

"Malia Wells." I held out my hand.

"Wyatt." He took it out to shake, once our hands contected I felt a electric shock.

I pulled my hand away and quickly boosted Zoey up more.

"Well, I should get this little one home. Nice meeting you Wyatt." I said.

"You too Malia." He said, I smiled before walking slowly to Zed's house.

"Come on, I'll tell you the stories my parents told me about werewolves when I was little." I said before turning back to Wyatt who stood there watching us.

"You should probably get to your house." I said.

"Right." He said before running off.

"You two should date!" Zoey cheered as I rolled my eyes.

zombies book-1 -Wyatt Lykensen Where stories live. Discover now