chapter ten

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Wyatt's POV;

We stood in a group on the dance floor, chatting and dancing when we heard a scream.

"Malia?" Addison asked as we all ran to the source.

"You're lying! I talked to her not even 5 days ago." Malia sobbed.

"We're so sorry Sweetheart." Missy said.

"No, no, no, no, no. Th-they can't be, they can't they can't." Malia cried falling to the floor.

We all watched as she sat on the floor sobbing muttering "no."

"What happened." Addison asked going over to hold Malia.

"Th-there was a fire set to your aunt's and uncle's work, there were no survivors." Missy said as Dale choked with tears.

"No... I'm so sorry, Mal." Addison whispered.

"Addison, enjoy the rest of the prawn. We'll take Malia home." She shook her head.

"No, I'll come with." I went over to the two, helping them up.

"I'll come." Malia shook her head.

"No. You and everyone else help the other wolves get their moonstone recharged." Malia said.

"I'm not leaving you." I said.

"That's an order, I'm your alpha, you will listen." Malia snapped before looking at Willa.

"You're in charge."

"Come on." Addison said as the four left.

"You heard her, let's go." Willa told the pack before touching my shoulder.

"She'll be fine, she's just emotional." I nodded before following her out.

Malia's POV;

I sat in the living room, the next afternoon, staring at a photo of the three of us.

"Malia?" Uncle Dale walked in.

"Hey." I said as he sat down beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"A lawyer from London will be here sometime next week and Thanksgiving weekend me and you will fly there to sort out all the stuff."

"Okay." I said as I looked down at my claws.

"I should get back to the wolves." I said.

"Okay, call if you are staying the night." Uncle Dale said.

"I will." I said getting up.

"And Malia?" I turned.

"I'm glad you found your place, your parents would be proud of you." I smiled.

"Thank you, Uncle Dale." I replied before exiting the house.

I made my way into the Den to see wolf pups running around and giggling, along with the grown wolves sitting an talking.

"Malia!" Wynter said excitedly as she ran to me.

She hugged me lifting me up, as I smiled.

"Hey." I said as she put me down.

"I'm so sorry about your parents! Are you okay?!" She asked.

"About 10% better. I stopped crying around 4:00am... uh where's Wyatt?" I asked.

"He's up there with Willa and the moonstone. C'mon." She took my hand leading me upstairs.

Once we got up there, Wyatt and Willa were building a small wooden gate for the moonstone.

"The alpha's back." Wynter said as they turned.

"I'm so sorry about your parents, Malia." Willa said hugging me.

"Thank you." I said as we pulled away.

Wyatt said nothing as I sighed remembering that I snapped at him.

"I'm sorry, I snapped at you. And I know finding out my parents were dead doesn't excuse it."

"It's okay, wolfie." He came over cupping my cheeks as I smiled.

I sat down on the ledge, picking at my nails as Wyatt sat beside me.

"What's going to happen now?" He asked.

"A lawyers going to come sometime next week to talk about the will... and Thanksgiving Uncle Dale and I are going back to London to figure out the house." I said.

Wyatt pulled me into his arms as I played with his necklace.

I sighed.

"I should probably go see Zed and Eliza."

"Uh, can't you stay a little longer?" Wynter asked as I rose a brow.

"Why wouldn't I go now?"

"Because you just got here! Duh!" Willa said as a realization came to my mind.

It was my sixteenth birthday and the others were probably getting my party together.

"There's a surprise party for me, isn't there?" I asked.

"What! No!" I gave the two girls a look.

"How did you know?" I rolled my eyes.

"You two are terrible liars." I replied.

They huffed as Wyatt chuckled.

"Can I talk to Malia alone?" The girls nodded as they left.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I wanted to give you your present before the party." He reached into his pocket.

Before taking out a ring.

Before taking out a ring

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"Wyatt!" I gasped.

"It was my mother's, I want you to have it." He said as I shook my head.

"I-I can't, I mean it's beautiful but..."

"My mom told me when I was a young pup, that one day, I would find my mate. And I knew I found mine when we first met." I wiped my eyes.

"Then I guess I have to take it." I sniffed.

He slipped it onto my left ring finger as I chuckled.

"People will think we're engaged."

"We have a hundred years together, I'm pretty sure we have sometime before we get married." I smiled.

"I love you, Wyatt." I cupped his cheeks.

"And I love you, Malia." He replied leaning down for a kiss.

I'm finally happy.

zombies book-1 -Wyatt Lykensen Where stories live. Discover now