chapter nine

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Wyatt and I held hands as we made our way towards the moonstone

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Wyatt and I held hands as we made our way towards the moonstone.

"It's this way. I see the light." I told everyone.

"It's coming from Seabrook power." Willa said as we made our way.

A couple seconds later, we found the moonstone it was a bright purple as I smiled.

"Here it is." Wynter said as we all stood around it.

We all took off our moonstones placing them on the stone, fully charging them.

Energy coursed through our veins as we felt power but it soon stopped as the ground shaked.

"We have to move it out of here." I said.

"Legend says that together, our pack can move the stone." Wyatt said as we all nodded.

"All of us, lift." We all started to lift but it was no use.

"It's too heavy." Wynter said.

"There's not enough of us." Willa said.

"Then maybe you need to extend your pack." Addison said as her and the others came in.

"Addie?" I asked as the ground rumbled again.

"We came here to help. Come on, everyone. We got this!" Addison said.

Everyone grabbed on.

"Hurry, before it's too late! Together lift!" I yelled.

We lift the stone as the ground rumbled again causing us to drop it.

A large slab of stone fell over our entry way out as I stared at it in disbelief.

"Chambers collapsed. We can't carry the moonstone through." Wyatt said as he pulled me closer to him.

"Your Z-band, it's still broken." Eliza told Zed.

"Zed, take it off. Lift the slab. Okay, Zed, can do this."

"I'm not ready! What if I can't control it?" Zed asked as the ground rumbled once more.

"Zed, you have too." Addison said.

"Are you really going to let me die, a day before my birthday?!" I asked him.

Zed looked at his Z-band, before taking it off as he zombied out.

"Yes!" Wynter cheered.

"Come on, you can do this." Addison and I both told him.

The ground rumbled again as Zed went to the slab.

The rest of us went to the moonstone lifting it up.

We quickly made our way out of the chamber with the moonstone.

We put it down as the slab shut and dust filled the air.

"Zed?!" Addison and I asked as we saw a faint glow.

Zed appeared as his regular self as we sighed in relief.

"Thank God." I said taking a breath.

"Zed, are you okay?" Addison asked as they hugged.

"Yeah. I'm me." He replied as they pulled away as I hugged him.

"I thought you died!" I exclaimed.

"Can't get rid of me that easily." He laughed.

"We crushed it! We nailed it! We so rock! Yes." Wynter cheered as we all looked at her.

"Too much?" She asked Willa.

"Perfect." Willa said.

I smiled as Wyatt came over pulling me into his arms as I giggled.

"We did it!"

"Say brains." Eliza said as she pointed her tablet at Addison and Zed.

"Brains!" They both said.

"We're getting our first zombie on the Prawn hall of fame!" Eliza said as we started howling.

"Hey, you said that perfectly." Wyatt told Bonzo as I high fived him.

"Bonzo's got an ear for languages." Bree said.

We all laughed before making our way back to the gym with the moonstone.

Wyatt's hands rested on my waist as we slowly danced, with our little group around us.

"I'm glad we're together." He twirled me around.

"Me too... but that doesn't mean I'm giving you special treatment." I said.

"Maybe just a little." He smiled before leaning in.

"Malia." Uncle Dave said as we turned to him.


"We need to talk." I could tell something was wrong so I nodded.

"I'll be back." I kissed Wyatt's cheek as I followed Uncle Dave.

zombies book-1 -Wyatt Lykensen Where stories live. Discover now