chapter six

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I sat at the breakfast table, eating fruit salad as Addison sat beside me eating cereal.

Aunt Missy and Uncle Dave looked at her new look in shock, I actually liked it and wished I was the one who had it and not her but, oh well.

"So... new look?" Aunt Missy asked.

"I like it." Addison said.

"Yeah... me too." I said before placing a watermelon chunk in my mouth.

"Our new friends like it." Addison said touching my shoulder as I gave her a small smile.

"Did you join a, um, rock band?" Uncle Dave asked.

I coughed as Addison gave him a confused look.

Addison and I made our way into the school, people were whispering at her as I just ignored them.

"Whoa. Bad hair day?" Stacey asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Bad hair life?" Lacey asked.

"I think it looks great."

"Yeah, not so much." JC said as the three snapped their fingers.

"Addison, if you ever except to be cheer captain..."

"Well, maybe I don't! Maybe cheer team isn't for me after all." Addison said.

The Aceys gasped walking away as Zed ran over to us.

"I was up all night thinking. You're not a werewolf you can't be."

"But I love moonlight strolls."

"Yeah, you like sunsets too. That doesn't mean you're a vampire." Zed exclaimed as I looked up from my book.


"Look it's really hard being considered a monster. Trust me." Zed said.

"All I ever wanted was to find me pack, and now I finally have." Addison opened the box that held the moonstone handing it to Zed.

"When I see the wolves, I'm going to put this on." Addison told him as I walked away to give them some space.

"Come on." Addison grabbed my arm as I gave Zed a sorry look.

We found the wolves who were talking to each other.

"It's a great plan, Willa." Wyatt said.

"What plan?" Addison asked as we got over to them.

I ignored all their looks as I focused on my book.

"We're going after the moonstone. Top secret. You can't tell anyone." Wynter stopped realizing what she said.

"Bad wolf, bad wolf." I rolled my eyes.

"You're going after the moonstone now?"

"It won't survive the demolition." Wyatt explained trying to catch my eye.

"Then let me join you. I'm ready to become a wolf." Addison said.

"If you really are one." Willa came over.

Addison opened up the box as the moonstone was gone, causing me to cringe.

"It's gone!"

"You lost it?" Wynter asked.

"Do you know how precious a moonstone necklace is?" Willa asked.

"If she was serious about being a wolf, if she was the Great Alpha. She would'nt have been so careless."

"No, I.... I don't know how! I..."

"Stay out of our amazing hair." Willa flipped her hair.

Wyatt gave us a look before leaving with the rest of the wolves.

"Come on. Let's sit."

We've been sitting down for 15 minutes when students started to pile in.

"Addie, are you okay?" Bree asked sitting down beside us.

"I lost the necklace, Bree. I let the wolves down." Addison sighed.

The alarm's started blaring as we looked at each other.

"The Z-Alarm?" Addison asked.

"Attention. Attention. Monster activity at Seabrook power."

"It's the werewolves, we need to help them." Addison said as I sighed.

"Bree, would you?"

"I will. I'm in. Always." Bree smiled.

"We can't do this alone." I said licking my lips.

"We need to rally the Z-team." I said.


"No. Actually, we're gonna need everyone." I said.

They both nodded as we made our way out.

my favourite part is up next, and also THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE! I cannot thank y'all enough.

zombies book-1 -Wyatt Lykensen Where stories live. Discover now