chapter three

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Everyone was in the cafeteria, waiting to see who was going to run for student body president.

I was at my locker, putting some things away when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Malia dear!"

"Mom?" I asked closing my locker.

"Your Uncle Dave called, saying something about werewolves? Are you okay?!" She asked as I leaned against the wall.

"I'm fine, mom. I just got a scratch on my head and that's it." I said.

"Okay. You remember everything I told you."

"Yes, I have my sliver pocketknife. I'll be okay." I said.

"I'm just checking... me and your father love you, remember?" Mom asked.

"I love you too... bye." We hung off as I sighed.

"Malia, come on it's about to start." Addison said as I nodded.

"Coming." I said shutting my locker before jogging over to her.

Addison and I stood beside Bree as Mrs Lee went onto the stage.

"Okay, are there anymore nominees for president?" She asked as I looked around for Zed.

"Just a reminder that being apart of student council, means that we get to hang." I laughed.

"Anybody, anybody wanna hang?" She asked again.

"Just... anybody wanna hang." Addison bumped my shoulder.

Just then the band started playing as Bucky started his flips and ended up on stage.

"That was good." Mrs Lee commented.

"Great news, we have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year." Bucky said doing jazz hands.

"Me!" He then did his famous smile.

Everyone started cheering for Bucky as I rolled my eyes.

I caught sight of Zed who was hit in the back by Bonzo and trembled down the stairs before pushing Bucky to the side.

"Woo! Zombie strong!" Zed cheered as I cheered as well.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zed and I am running for president!"

"Woo!" Addison and I yelled.

"Zed can't steal my spot light! What about the whole anti-monster thingy?" Bucky asked for everyone to hear.

"Anyone can run for president, Bucky!" Addison said.

"She actually has a point. Mr. Bucky."


"A zombie president?"

"Ew!" The Aceys groaned as the zombies and I cheered.

"Okay! If you vote for me! I will bring you prosperity amd awesomeness!" Zed exclaimed as everyone cheered widely and started chanting his name.

"As your president. I will make Seabrook a place that embraces Zombies and..."

"Werewolves?" Bree asked.

"No! Why would you want?... Werewolves!" Zed yelled.

I turned as a group of werewolves ran in as everyone started screaming and heading to the stands.

Addison and I grabbed onto each other before running to the podium.

"Football team. Defense, Z-24!" Zed said as the football team stood in front of us.

"Where's the moonstone, white hair?" A girl with frizzy brown hair asked.

"I think you've got the wrong person." Addison said.

"Our razor sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood!" I rose a brow at the smaller girl.

"Too much?" She asked as I nodded.

"Just a little bit." I said.

"Wolves! On my command." Her eyes glowed along with her necklace along with the other wolves except one.

"Willa. We can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert." The boy beside her said.

He looked familiar to me, as Willa stood down.

"I hate it when your right. Wolves, stay down." Willa said.

"Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town and we just came to join your school."

"What?! They can't join our school!" Bucky said.

"Technically the Forbidden Forest is in the school district." Coach said.

"So. Welcome to Seabrook!" Addison said.

She then pushed in front of the football team and wiggled her pom-poms.

"I am Malia Wells." I pushed past the boys.

"If you have any questions just ask yours truly." I took a brow.

"Okay. Uh Malia." Bucky came over to me.

"We don't associate with werewolves okay, so." He was about to pull me away as I stopped him.

"They're not bad, Bucky. Now go away you smell." Bucky gasped walking away with the Aceys.

Later that day, Addison and I made our way over to Zed and Eliza.

"Good luck. Mr. Future president." Addison and I both said.

"Hey Zed, did you hear?" Bree ran over.

"Addie's being tested for cheer captain and she gets to run cheer practice tomorrow." Bree cheered.

"It's not a big deal." Addison said as Bree gave her a look.

"Okay. It's huge!" I smiled at her.

"A huge chance to fail!" Stacey said from where her and the Aceys were handing out buttons.

"If Addie aces this practice, oh my gosh! She's so going to be cheer captain once Bucky wins!" Zed's smile fell.

"He's so going to win because you know, elections they're just these big old popularity contests and Bucky is super popular!" Bree blabbed as I covered my face.

"So... what?" Zed cleared his throat.

"Thanks Bree." He sighed as I gave him a small smile.

"I know it's weird, I'll only be cheer captain if Bucky's president, but..."

"No. That just means neither of us can lose because one is going to get what we want. and I can live with that." I chuckled.

"Me too. You'll do great Zed." Addison said touching his shoulder.

Zed smiled handing her a flier.

"Zed for Prez!" He yelled out.

I laughed as Addison, Bree and I made our way to the library.

zombies book-1 -Wyatt Lykensen Where stories live. Discover now