Chapter 2 - Introductions 2

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So... here's the second chapter! Sorry I'm such a slow writer! It's been a little while since the first and all your reactions have been incredible! Thank you all so much and I really appreciate all votes and comments!

Oh and btw spamming the author doesn't make me favour your character... lol.

Best comment goes to russetfox12345 - your comment made my day - week - is it ok to say life? Anyway, thanks!

I'm quite tired so if there are a lot of typos don't hesitate to comment and correct them I won't be offended!

Sorry I can't stop talking... without further ado, here's the chapter:

By the time Thoryne had spoken to his last customer, the sun was setting. As he left the small building, he cursed quietly under his breath. It had been a long day and he had had to deal with far too many of those pig-headed nobles in one day. He was tired and hungry. I need a drink.

Quickly, he redirected his course from his home to the nearby tavern, pace quickening at the thought of some much-needed sustenance. The path beneath his feet was muddy and his boots slipped a few times but he easily kept his balance and avoided any collisions with fellow villagers.

By the time he reached the bar, he was knee-high in mud and cold. He hastened over to the bar and bought himself a drink before settling comfortably at his accustomed table.

He knew he attracted a few uneasy stares, mostly from those who called themselves the "middle" and "upper" classes, but in reality where as much trapped in this peasant's life as anybody else. It frustrated him how, well, snobby people could be sometimes. They were in this together and if people would just admit to that there would be no need to bow down to each other in this pathetic system. He took another sip. Arrogance. He thought in annoyance.

True, he had a fair share of it himself, but at least he didn't try to rule over all these others. He just accepted his status, unfair as it was, and got on with life. Life wasn't about "classes" after all, really, was it? It was about the experience. He hoped so, anyway.

One particular starer today was that Lord. Callahan, was it? Thoryne couldn't recall. What did it matter anyway, when he was most likely just like the rest of them.

No respect for the poorer folks, these men. None at all.

His thoughts were interrupted when he caught the barmaid, Emile, looking at him again. She often did this, just looked at people. With her big, soulful eyes it was as if she could see straight into you. Unnerving really.

He had never asked how old she was - it was rude to ask a woman's age, everyone knows that - but she was young still and beautiful. And, oh great, she was looking again. He quickly turned his attention back to his drink and cleared his throat quietly.

The amber liquid swirled and shimmered mysteriously inside its silver prison and he could see his own reflection, twisted and distorted, staring back at him from its depths.

He cursed again. No wonder he was attracting so many stares. His hair was dishevelled from a long day's work toiling away in that cramped workroom, his eyes were tired and slightly red-rimmed from lack of sleep, mainly down to the long work hours he had been pushing himself to in order to gain a few extra coins. His clothes were filthy. Frowning at his own reflection, he watched with the dazedness that can only come with exhaustion as it frowned back at him. He scrunched his eyes shut and ran a hand over his face and through his hair.

He should probably be getting home.


Emile watched as Thoryne turned to leave. She hadn't meant to stare, she didn't mean anything by it, but still... she sighed and shook her head. Maybe she could explain next time he came in. That is, if he ever showed up again after today.

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