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Natalie stood by Bella's side as they waited for Jacob to get Bella

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Natalie stood by Bella's side as they waited for Jacob to get Bella. Natalie on the other hand was staying up there with her sister. Kol walked up behind her as did Edward. "Are we ready?"

"Yes." Natalie responded as Edward left after Bella did with Jacob. She looked at Kol to see him walking over to her,


"Of course." She replied with a smile. Kol picked her up bridal style and vamped off to the top of the mountain. Once they got up there, Bella ran to her sister. Kol walked over to Edward and Jacob to see what the plan was.
"Kol, told you how they can break the curse."

"Yes." Natalie responded. "We get to be together forever." Bella smiled knowing her sister was happy about that. "Kol, tried an experiment and it linked us." Bella's eyes widened in shock. "Yeah, waking up naked in his bed was not part of the plan, but I don't regret it." Bella laughed.

"Wow." She replied. Edward and Kol walked back over.

"Time for us to get in the tents. " Edward said. "It's going to snow soon."

"Okay." Natalie said as she walked to her's and Kol's tent. Kol followed her. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her. "Need a blanket?"

"I'll share with you." Kol walked over as Natalie scooted over for him as he sat beside her.

"Need a drink."

"I will before the battle." Was all he said. Natalie smiled and nodded at him. The two sat in silence as they stayed cover. Natalie felt the curse changing and sighed as Kol watched the transformation. Natalie looked at herself and sighed. Kol smirked as he leaned in and bit her neck causing Natalie to moan. Her hand traveled up to his head and ran her fingers through his hair as he continued to drink.
The next morning, Kol woke up to someone shaking and saw Natalie who was back to herself. Kol put his clothes on and wrapped her up some more till she stopped shivering. He walked out of the tent to see Jacob who was disgusted by Kol. "You slept with the cursed one. Why?"

"Cause I can." Was all Kol had to say.

"I wouldn't waste my breath on her. Natalie will always be cursed and can hurt and kill people." Kol and Edward growled at him.

"Don't you ever say that to me again." Kol threatened. "I will protect Natalie from you and you won't do anything about it." Edward heard Natalie and looked at her and Bella who was watching the whole thing. "Natalie doesn't deserve people like you to say that about her. She may be cursed, but she's still the same girl when she is in her cursed form."

"Kol?" Kol turned and saw Natalie. "Let him go." She said calmly.

"You don't deserve to be talked about like that." Kol tells her.

"I know, but I'm happy that you still see the same person even when I'm in this form." Natalie responded. Kol released him and walked back over to Natalie and stood by her side.
Kol was watching Natalie practice her powers. She was finally getting the hand of it. He heard the argument between Jacob, Bella, and Edward about Bella's engagement. Natalie turned to see what's going on. "What happened?"

"Seems like Jacob just learned about Bella and Edward's wedding." Kol replied. Natalie sighed knowing Jacob had feelings for Bella. Edward walked over to them and smiled at Natalie.

"Your finally learning."

"Yep." She watched as Edward's face changed. "What's wrong?" Bella came back when she heard Natalie asked.

"The battle is starting." Edward tells them. Natalie walked over to Kol. Bella and Edward watched as Kol bit his wrist as he grabbed her's to drink. They watched that interaction between Kol and Natalie till they broke apart.

"Let's do this." Natalie said. Before Kol left, he grabbed Natalie and kissed her.

"Be careful." He responded and looked at Edward. "Keep her safe."

"I will."
Natalie was fighting Riley as Bella watched. Seth attacked Riley dragging him into the woods to finish him off. Natalie sighed and turned to see Victoria in front of her. "Goodbye Natalie." She said as she stabbed her with a branch.

"No!" Bella cried out as she ran to her sister who was holding the branch that was in her stomach. Bella saw Edward about to be killed till she cut herself with a rock. Edward killed Victoria as Bella cried over her sister.

"Let's get her down there." Edward said. Bella climbed on his back as Edward lifted a dying Natalie in his arms as they went to the bottom.
"Natalie!" Rosalie cried out as she vamped to her best friend. "What happened?"

"Victoria caught her off guard and stabbed her." Bella said. Kol came back after killing of a newborn who went after Freya just to see Natalie.

"No." He said as he vamped over to Natalie. "What the hell happened?"

"Victoria caught her off guard as Edward was thrown back. She stabbed her with a branch."

"Natalie." Kol said with tears in his eyes. "Please wake up darlin'." Bella felt bad and so did the Mikaelsons. Kol did find love within the Cursed Swan. Kol remembered this morning. He grabbed the branch and pulled it out of her stomach.

"What?" Bella cried out. "You just killed her!"

"No I didn't." Kol said looking at her. "She has my blood in her system."

"She'll be like you than." Bella said. Kol nodded as they watched the wound heal. Natalie gasped as she opened her eyes.

"What just happened?"

"Your a vampire now love." Klaus said as the Volturi came. "I see the curse didn't break." Natalie heard whispering in her head.

"Natalie Swan, you are now a powerful hybrid. The curse was never meant to fade. Your an original too, but special. The curse will always stick with you." Natalie repeated that to everyone one. Kol was shocked that she was meant to be one of them.

"When we get done with them, will get you a blood bag." Natalie nodded at Carlisle as they watched the Volturi and Cullens speak. She sighed knowing Bella had to turn soon.

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