When I'm Alone

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When I'm alone

In the quiet of the night,

The clock by my bed,

The time ticking by,


I feel more alone then ever,

Yet a figure lurks beside,

A shade of a missing half,

A lost puzzle piece.


So I lie alone,

My solitary breath,

Torn from lungs with gasping hope,

To wake no longer bereft.


And when I am alone,

I find I'm not myself.

I think harsh things and so my heart does tear,

Limb, from limb, from limb.


I need my foundation,

My shelter from the storm,

My knight who fights the bitter thoughts,

And dispels them from my head.


And so I spend the sleepless nights,

The aching, longing, hours.

Each second lasts eternity,

An eternity alone.


I know that that will not always be the case,

But till the day when the darkness sets,

And sunlight rules the time,

I find my thoughts alone with me,

More often than I'd like.


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