With Every

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My love, my love,
He's so, so far away,
A thousand miles,
And a few years away.
And with ever "I love you" uttered,
My heart blooms and breaks.
With every sweet word or compliment,
My cheeks flush and then shower in salty grief.
With every moment spent among the world but on our own,
My chest aches for the distance to be naught.
With every longing glance at those holding hands and not knowing their luck,
I silently beg a faceless, genderless, body-less deity that I make it to that.
With ever wrenching and wracking sob,
A ragged, jagged, bleeding hole tears inside me.
And with every broken, desperate plea,
I beg for a cure.
And with every thought of every day,
I am waiting for you.

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