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I smiled at Mr. Best as I went out. He winked at me.
Fuck. Jesus. That was so hot...
I quickly got out of that mad house chucky cheese looking place and found my mom's car in the driveway.

My la madre: how was your first day?

Y/n: rollercoaster.

Mom: what was your favorite class.

Y/n: English. 😏 oh! And we might be doing romeo and juliet for our play!

Mom: sounds fun!

I pulled the squished twinkie out of my left pocket and started eating it. my mom just stared at me.

Y/n: dont ask.

I smiled at her. She smiled back.

I woke up and took a quick shower and got my so called 'uniform' out of the wash and changed. I changed into my gym uniform so I didn't have to change. New day. Yay. Fun. I hope I get another freaking twinkie.

I walked into that weird building and waved to that green man.

??: my name is sub.

Y/n: nice. Love this school by the way.

I smiled at him and he smirked at me. I walked up to the line for breakfast, and saw braden.

Braden: how is my favorite y/n doing?

Y/n: I'm good.

I looked around him.

Braden: are you looking for another twinkie?

Y/n: maaaaybe!

He smiled at me and gave me two twinkies

Braden: give one to Mr. Kopotun. Tell him it's from me.

Y/n: yes sir!

I ate the twinkie as I walked to a table and ate my twinkie and put the second one in my pocket as the bell rang, and I started to walk to the gym.

Y/n: Mr. Kopotun! Goodmorning!

I smiled at him and he turned around.

Denis: why hello there, y/n! How is my favorite student?

Wow all the teachers like me lol

Y/n: I'm doing good! I'm ready for that good ol' basketball!!

Denis laughed.

Denis: oh alright!

He let us have a free day but I practiced my basketball and it is actually fun! But soon the bell rang :(

Denis: good job today, y/n! Keep up the good skills pal!

Pal. Pal. He called me a pal. Thats like The Pals ha. Funny. What?

Denis: are you okay?

I zoned out.

Y/n: uh, yeah! Thanks! See you in math!

Denis: oh and, y/n please do try to pay attention this time.

Y/n: yes sir!

That man is a mystery... I like it

I worked my way up the 3 flights of stairs weaving through the talkative people to try and get to my history class on time.

Alex: glad to see you here, y/n!

Y/n: thank you Mr. Orman!

Once everyone got to class he gave us a paper to work on which would be homework if we didn't get it done. I decided to get it done in class and Alex let me listen to music with my headphones. My music drowned out everyone's noise and alex telling everyone to be quiet once and awhile. I got done about half of the front side. I still had the back to do. I remembered I have study hall next. Alex said that- what was her name? Sandra? Hopefully she could help me with it maybe.
The bell rang and I said goodbye to Mr. Orman and he let my take a book with me. I needed it to do my paper. I could do this. I planned out my whole day, trying to remember what class I had after what class. I ran downstairs to the library.

Teachers Pet~elijah best×Reader  Where stories live. Discover now