the end

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Elijah's pov~

Denis, braden, sub, and alex came over and y/n was upstairs taking a shower.

Elijah: I'll go get all of our board games. You guys can hangout, eat food. Whatever your heart desires.

I went to my room, and started looking in my closet. I found monopoly.

Y/n: I fucking dare you to make us play monopoly.

I turned around and she laughed.

Elijah: should i?

I smiled at her. She was so cute.

Y/n: yes please!

She left my room and I looked at monopoly. This should be fun.

I motioned for everyone to come to the living room and we sat on the floor. Y/n sat next to me, sub on the other side of me, then alex, denis, and braden on the other side of y/n.

I took the car and y/n took the top hat.

We played monopoly with the guys and it was really fun. :)

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