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Thank you all for reading this story of mine, it got like 3 thousand reads, how incredible!
It has been months since I finished this, 2020 has been a crazy year, and definitely a year that I grew mentally and I reread this fanfic sometimes and it does make me uncomfortable, but I thought I should finish it better, I left things kinda in the middle.

Dear wonderful person-

Elijah decided to get Ethan into therapy, he sometimes writes him letters, telling him he misses him. He eventually went to jail for not the best things.
David changed, and is now a fashion designer.
Amie found a new boyfriend, I forgot his name, I think it started with a K.
Denis, Alex, Braden, Elijah, and Sub are all still running The Pals channel, they are all very happy.
My mother also kinda went to jail- and I moved to where my father lives, and him and I have been getting along wonderfully.
I, on the other hand, took up a hobby of reading.

To you,

I hope you are doing well, remember to stand up for yourself, others, and what you believe in. Do not let people walk all over you, know what you deserve. You deserve a partner who can help you grow from your mistakes, and if not a partner, a friend. Personally, friends are better than partners- in my experience.
Remember that you are loved, and someone, somewhere, has probably been helped by you, with something you said, did, or anything. You can change someone's outlook on life just by being a good person.
Be kind, and even when you mess up, you can keep starting again, no one is perfect.

From me,

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