chapter 7

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        I bolted down the stairs, threw on my converse, and grabbed the cars keys. "Mom! I'm leaving be back soon." She yelled something back, which I didn't hear because I was already outside the house. I flung open the van door, and started up the car. I rushed to the parking lot of the Halloween fair, almost running about four red lights. 

        I bolted out of the car, and ran from grey moving van to grey moving van. Peering through each side window looking for the "empty one". Some vans had coffins in it, some had fake mummys, others had fog machines, and the speakers that they used for the concert. Finally there was only one van left, it had a big dent in the side. I slammed up against the side.

        Before I knew it the front door popped open. I stumbled backwards a little and had to grab at the van side shocked. I circled the other side of the van and came back to face the front door. I hand, that was all that was hanging out the door. It was a very dead looking hand, I looked closer and the hand had a ring on it, with a dark purple diamond on it. 

        I screamed and fell onto the ground, after five minutes of sitting in utter shock. I finally built up the courage to hank the hand. Once again, I screamed.

Hey, sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I hope you understand! :) I know that this chapter was really short, I promise my next one will be longer, I hope you are a little freaked out!

Happy Turkey Day Everybody!

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