Ripplye's believe it or not!

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My hair felt silky as I combed my thick brown curls with the thick black brush. The shower had been refreshing and relaxing at the same time, exterminating the feeling of icky-ness from my body. I grabbed my purple hair tie from the counter in our bathroom and pulled back my mess of curls in a ponytail. I watched the mirror in vain as little curls wrangled themselves free from the hair tie and fell in my face. I sighed annoyed as I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll be out in a moment, hold your ponies," I rung out, fussing with my hair, as well as straightening out my panda pajamas.

"Emmy, hurry up or you'll miss our first house meeting," Jasper rang out before I could hear him walk away. Sighing again I walked over to the door and unlocked it before walking out of the room not forgetting to click the light off after I was safely out of the room. Nervously I trudged myself into the living room which I noticed was full of people. I knew a few faces, which made me happy; what did not make me happy was the seating arrangement. My seat choices were ether sitting next to Rosary-- oops, I mean Rose, or Jasper. Rose was giving me a look that said 'sit here and I'll hex you so fast you wont be able to say magic', so grudgingly I sat next to Jasper, which, although besides a weird look, said nothing. I noticed that Arya, Chloe, and Mikey were sitting on a couch. I'm guessing they lived in one of the rooms downstairs. On beanbag chairs were Tristan, a Neko, which I could tell because easily by the fact that he had his cat ears out. He seemed about Mikey's age, along with a girl who had the same face structure as Rose. She was wearing a Lolita dress with a lot of lace and frills. Although her face seemed to have the same structure as Rose, an unbelievably small turned-up nose, large round eyes and small pouty lips that seemed to be the only similarities they shared. She, the girl, had long curly blonde hair with bright blue eyes.

I took my eyes from the girl to study the other people in the room, adding another boy our age into the mixture. The boy had the same blue eyes as me. He had witch eyes, although it was obvious he was not a witch by his jet black wings which had ripped out of his back. His blonde hair was combed in utter perfection on his head. He had a pretty face, albeit seemed if it wasn't for the look of pure evil he was giving us. I adverted my eyes from him as he gave me a hard look. I did not like his eyes, hypocritical. I know, our eyes were the same, exact airs I would say. Except for the looks given by those eyes were far different than the ones given by mine. As they say, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Well then his soul seemed dark, almost feral. A wild look was present in those blue eyes; A look that I did not like at all.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Finally deciding to place my legs under me by putting stress on my legs it adverted the pain from my arms, which were starting to hurt again. For a moment I thought about leaving to go take another pain pill; the bottle was just sitting on my nightstand. But sadly, that was not going to happen, as a woman walked into the room.

She looked studious with a short bob of thick brown hair, and small brown eyes hidden by long dark lashes that peered out sheepishly from behind black-rimmed glasses. She had a large clipboard filled with blank paper and two black ballpoint pens. She was wearing a charcoal skirt that went down to her knees, high heels and a white colored button up blouse with a white pearl necklace finished up the outfit as well as a black watch. She had on light lipstick that made her lips seem very thin and fragmented as she gave us a sheepish smile.

She grabbed an uncomfortable-looking stool from the wall and placed it in front of us, near the center front of the room. She sat down on the stool, a broader smiled filled her face making her lips even more paper thin then before, as her eyes scanned the room once more. She crossed her legs on the stool placing the clipboard neatly on her lap. putting one pen behind her ear showing off her pearl earring in the process. The other pen she placed in her delicate hand. Scanning us for the last time with her brown eyes she began.

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