Chapter 1

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Mc : Peng Qi Lang x Zhen Shi.

Genre: Historical, Wuxia, Yaoi, Romance Boy Love, Lgbt.

Era: Lang Dynasty.

ATTN: This is an original story so please don't copy or post it anywhere. Art credit belongs to owner. All rights reserved. Enjoy!

It was just another regular morning in the life of the third prince Peng Qi Lang, he sat at the brothel manor alongside his closest friend Bai Xing drinking and flirting with over six male and female prostitutes.

He was highly intoxicated and was saying all sorts of vulgar words while the beautiful prostitutes rubs and touches all over their bodies.

Assistant General Zhen Shi was standing at the entrance to the private room guarding his master as usual. His long shiny silky black hair was perfectly weaved into corn rolls completely exposing his pale forehead and long eyelashes, he was dressed in his opaque red outer garment and the dark brown inner robe complemented his pale and beautifully toned body, his sword was perfectly strapped to his thin waist making him look extraordinarily eye-catching.

Despite been surrounded by these beauties, Prince Peng Qi would occasionally steal glances at his personal guard who always manages to effortlessly look breathtaking, but this guard wouldn't even spare him a glance or return his flirtatious eyes , even more so, if their eyes accidentally meets, Zhen Shi will quickly look away. Prince Peng Qi would purposely say vulgar things to spite his guard to jealousy but assistant general Zhen Shi was more than dedicated to his duties as his guard than anything else.

Suddenly, a palace servant panicly rushed into the manor and whispered something into the ears of the personal guard, he immediately nodded his head and hurried to the front of his master, bowed and said.

"3rd prince, the Empress Regent has summoned you to the red chambers"


" Your highness, Mother Empress requests your presence at the red chambers immediately, her servants and guards await us outside"


"My prince, we have to go to the palace immediately, you know your mother, she won't summon you if it's not very urgent and important, my prince, please if you do not go I will be in huge trouble"

"Ooo!!! Too many disturbances, just tell the damn servants to tell that witch that am very sick or am busy or sleeping, I don't know, just frame any lie and tell them, am too lazy to stand up to go anywhere now"

"My prince, but..."

"No buts... Go out now and tell them what I've just told you".

"Am afraid she will send the royal armies to drag you out of this place if you disobey her orders, so I suggest we follow them immediately your highness ''

"Assistant General Zhen Shi! Why are you so afraid of that witch and not me? You are my personal guard, you should naturally obey me, I said I don't want to go, simple".

Zhen Shi refused to move a step, he still kept his head bowed before the lazy third prince who was sitting beside his closest friend Bai Xing among the six beautiful female and male prostitutes drinking and laughing loudly at the brothel manor enjoying himself.

Zhen Shi was an introvert but very stubborn, yet he was still afraid for his own life knowing the thundering wrath of the Empress Regent, so he persisted to pressurize the prince.

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