Chapter 17

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After Peng Qi messed around with his consorts and concubines for over four weeks, he became bore with them. To make matters worse some of them became pregnant and sick. So he stopped calling for them, stopped drinking and resumed his lessons for two weeks. The consorts were relieved but restless, everyday they are afraid that the Emperor will call for them again if he does not return to his Empress

Since the consorts and concubines could no longer report the Emperor nor bear to be called again for another cruel night, they decided to convene again on a round table at consort Xue Ling's quarters to figure out how to protect themselves and find a solution before the Emperor calls on them again.

So, they all gathered at consort Xue Ling's quarters.

Xue Ling was the first to address on the issue.

"My fellow consorts and concubines, I know by now that we all know the reason why we are gathered here today, since we tabled our problems before the imperial mother and she couldn't do anything, its better we find solutions ourselves. Despite the fact that five of us are pregnant with royal bloods, the Emperor does not care about the safety of our unborn babies. For those of us that are pregnant, aren't we all afraid of losing our pregnancies on his bed? And for those who are not pregnant, aren't you all tired of taking pain relief concussions and body pains medications? Each day that passes by the Emperor's stomach appetites keeps getting worst and we dare not refuse him, so what do you all think we should do about it?"

This question she asked spoke all their minds but the once who are not pregnant or who cant get pregnant because were really jealous and even felt so annoyed by some parts of her statement. They secretly wished they could also get pregnant because, once you bore a royal child, your status would increase higher as a consort and you will be highly respected in the palace.

Consort Da SuYi then replied Xue Ling..

" I know I can't conceive since am a man but am so bitter at the way the Emperor treats us like mere prostitutes, no iota of tenderness and it gets worst by each day. Do you know that aside inserting those enormous sex toys in our my private parts, he also chokes me when sleeping with me? Two weeks ago he slept with me, Biming Cong and Chao XiaoDan, he ravaged us like animals along with his closest friend Bai Xing? Since the three of us were all males, he never showed us any former of gentleness, I couldn't stand nor walk for one week, I was bedridden like a sick person and just when I almost recovered, he summoned me again, am sure you all must have been already conversant with what am saying"

Consort Ying Shi Li cuts in:

"Now I wonder, how was Empress Zhen Shi able to single handedly cope with his unusual stomach all alone for so long before losing his favour? Am sure he is the happiest person in the palace at the moment, he gets to have a good night sleep and stay healthy without having to worry over the Emperor. I wish the Emperor can just reconcile their differences and go back to the him, he is the only one that can control him. I wonder have he was able to satisfy his Majesty in bed all this while without complaining."

Concubine Chao XiaoDan seems to see reasons in what Consort Ying Said:

"If only the Emperor and the Empress can be together again, we will finally get a breather, it's already a blessing that he has not called on us for a while now. Just look at the dark circles around my eyes, I can barely sleep now because at the sound of any one at the door at night or morning am fatigue that it might be the Emperor or a messenger summoning me again, do you know the twelve days ago he summoned me alone to serve him and a friend of his from Huanji Yu kingdom. The both of them ravaged me together like I was a whore till I fainted and later woke up in my bed with the royal physicians and some servants attending to me, I have no idea what they continued to do to me after I lost consciousness, till now I can't even show my body, I am still recovering from the Marks. I used to be jealous of the Empress but not anymore, I just wish he could go back to him already before I die on the Emperor's bed...."

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