Chapter 9

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After the Emperor's lessons, he returned back to the inner dragon chambers and did not meet his Empress sleeping as usual.

When he asked where his Empress went, he was informed by the servants that the Empress was summoned by the Empress Dowager, so he became very worried and anxious.

He knows for sure that his mother doesn't like Zhen Shi so this made him very afraid, when he couldn't endure the waiting anymore he decided to go the Eagle Chambers himself. Just as he was about to step out, Zhen Shi came in with a furrowed eye brows.

Emperor Peng Qi  anxiously stood up from the bed and hugged him.

"My Empress"

"..........." ignores.

"My Empress, what is the matter?"

"Did that witch hurt you?'' Peng Qi furrowed his brow.

"........." still ignored

"Please talk to your husband"

Empress Zhen Shi tried to push his husband away but the Emperor grabbed unto him even tighter.

"Whatever it is tell me, what did she say to you to make you this angry?"

"She didn't say anything to make me this furious, you are the one that made me angry" Zhen Shi finally blurted out.

Emperor Peng Qi's heart started to beat in fear, he did not know what he did wrong.

He dragged his Empress and sat on the bed and still hugged him tightly placing his head on Zhen Shi's shoulders while trying to inquire what he had done.

"My Empress please tell me,whatever it is I will apologize, I will make it right immediately..Please...please..Please"

"Your Majesty, which royal edict did you sign four days ago?"

This question was so out of the blue.

"How would I know? I only signed what my mother gave me and instructed me to sign"

Zhen Shi furrowed his brows more tightly..

"What has the royal edict got to do with you and me? You know I can't still read nor write" The Emperor asked.

"It has everything to do with you and I, do you not know what people call you outside? Cant you take life more seriously for once?"

Empress General Zhen Shi was someone who takes life seriously and having a lousy husband who only thinks of drinking and having sex was really frustrating to him.

Emperor Peng Qi does not care about any name people called him, in fact he was aware but could care less. Especially now that he is living his dream of finally having his former guard by his side every night every other thing can go fuck itself, he does not care, he only care about his Zhen Shi.

"My Empress, is this why you are angry at your handsome husband? Come let me kiss you to suite your mind"

Peng Qi was about to grab Zhen's head to kiss but the Empress abstractly stood up in anger, took off his outer robe and laid down on the bed, covered himself with quilt and backed the Emperor.

Peng Qi was stunned and also stood up, took off his outer dragon robe and limbed into the quilt and held onto Zhen Shi from behind almost lying on top of him with his face touching Zhen Shi's chin from the side and whispered to his wife.

''My Empress, what do you want me to do to make you happy? The edicts has already been done with, there is nothing else I can do at this point right? Zhen Shi? OK, tell me now how do I make it up to you? I hate to see you angry or sad, don't you know? You are the light in my world, Zhen Shi anything you want I will do OK? Zhen Shi you hear me? Just say it and I will do it but please stop been mad at me OK?"

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