Chapter 12

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When Zhen Shi arrived at the Eagle chambers, he discovered that the other consorts were already there having breakfast with Empress Dowager.

He knelt and said his morning greetings to the imperial mother and stood up to join them for breakfast.

Empress Wu Yue frowned and said to him.

"Empress, how can you be late again? How can you be always lagging behind? How can I trust you to manage the affairs of this palace huh? "

Zhen Shi who by now was used to the scolding by the Emperors mother bowed his head as the Dowager hauled insults on him.

The consorts that hated him smiled from ear to ear while the once who pitied him could only bow their heads and pitied him in their hearts.

After the breakfast, the Empress Dowager and the Empress along with their servants matched their way to the court to join the Emperor for the morning court.

The court secretary took out the petitions and tabled them before the Emperor.

First was a letter from the famous merchant Chao who gave out his 14yrs old son, concubine Chao XiaoDan to the Emperor.

He wanted to pay a courtesy visit to the Emperor since his son is now a concubine of his Majesty. He also wants to use the opportunity to strengthen his relationship with the capital in order to continue been the major supplier of all military equipments which means while he is coming, he will come with lots of gifts and bribes.

In the petition, Merchant Chao wrote that he will be arriving in exactly four days.

Empress Dowager Wu Yue was all smiles, this was the kind of visit she likes, she then whispered to her son to approve it which he did without questions.

Second petition was about the preparation for the marriage of princess Yong which the king of MengXu asked for her hand in marriage for his son, the petition proposed a date for the wedding which is to be in two months, so the Empress Dowager asked the court to send message to MengXu to inform them that the date was approved, this edict was also approve according Empress Wu Yue's instructions.

Although, Zhen Shi was allowed to always attend the court but was not allowed or permitted to have a say in any court matters unless if the Emperor asks for his opinion so all he does is just sit there.

He kept adjusting in his sit because he can still feel pain in his backdoor and couldn't sit properly but tried his best to endure, anytime Peng Qi caught sight of him adjusting he smiles greatly, this is the only fun thing he enjoys during the court sessions.

Third petition was from the minister of rites still complaining about the negligence of the other consorts and worries for the future of the empire, of which majority of the ministers still supported and pressure the Emperor to sign it which he still refused, this matter, Zhen Shi was really sensitive to it, he could feel the Empress Dowager eye balling him from the side, yet all he could do was look down while the ministers kneel to plead with the Emperor.

Peng Qi ignored them so his mother decided to handle the situation instead.

''My ministers, you may all sit down, as the mother of the Emperor, I will surely have a talk with him later on, rest assured that he will soon produce an heir, there are more than enough beauties in his harem, he can't say that he doesn't find them attractive enough, if he doesn't still accept any of them, I will bring in more concubines, am sure he must find one that he likes and can produce an heir since the Empress is male and cannot get pregnant, my ministers, I assure all of you that I will have a long talk with my son OK"

After the court, they both went for their daily lessons and after which they proceeded to have lunch at the lotus pavilion together in order to enjoy the fresh air, by now Zhen Shi was depressed over the courts session earlier, he just wish the Emperor was not so stubborn and make things easier for them by just simply obeying his mother.

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