Chapter 4

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"Where did everyone go? When did the court session end?"

"About thirty minutes ago, my prince."

He hissed, "Why didn't you wake me since?"

"I tried waking you several times, your highness."

"So tell me, what exactly did those oldies talk about?"

"Your highness, her royal majesty decreed that all the kingdoms should present their prettiest sons and daughters within five days in order for you to choose your bride, the rest shall become your consorts and concubines"

The personal guard diligently explained with his head still bowed but the crowned prince pretended not to have heard what his guard just explained to him.

"Let's go to the manor, I need to relieve this stress as soon as possible"

"My prince, her royal majesty has banned you from going to the brothel manor outside of the palace, I would suggest we return back to your chambers so that you can have more rest"

"What? can she do that to me? She thinks she can just suddenly change my life just like this .... Hmmm ... OK, she thinks just by banning me will stop me from enjoying myself? Now send a message to the procuress of the manor to bring me some pretty girls and boys, I will use the private room in my new chamber and turn it into a manor then... I need to relief some stress"

"My prince, her royal majesty instructed that anyone who dares to aid your previous lifestyle shall incur her wrath and that manor has been shut down at the order of your mother" Peng Qi Lang's blood was boiling and he was about to explode.

He directly dashed straight to his mother's chambers alongside with his guards while his servants all waited for him outside including his personal guard.

The Empress Regent was in private talks with the minister of rites over the king of ZanZhu.

[ATTN: ZanZhu is one of the 7 kingdoms under Lang. It is situated in the North East]

They were both brainstorming on how to dethrone the disobedient king and enthrone a a new king who will be obedient to her as the current king of ZanZhu refused to submit 40% of salt yearly as compared to the 30% they were previously paying as taxes to the capital.

She was in talks with the minister of rites plotting ways to use the prince to strike the kingdom once he takes over the throne and over throw their king so that she could enthrone someone who was more willing to be loyal to her.

Under the reign of Empress Wu Yue, the taxes were already very high; the people of each kingdom are already submitting 30% of their farm products, salt, coal, livestock, furs and horses to the capital.

That does not still satisfy the greedy Empress Regent, she wanted at least 40% each in order to acquire more wealth for herself and her loyalist.

In addition under the new law, they are to donate 10,000 soldiers, 10,000 horses, 5,000 female servants and eunuchs as compared to the 5,000 soldiers, 5,000 horses, 2,000 female servants and eunuchs they annually donate to the capital.

The Empress Regents was clearly demanding more than they could produce forcing each kingdoms to seize the citizen's daughters and son to make them servants, their sons forced to join the army, and the boys who do not pass the military examination were made eunuchs at the order of the Empress Regent.

While they were discussing this over a tea the crowned prince barged in violently pushing the double door wide open.

"Mother !"

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