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(Y/n) POV

Today instead of going to my parents house I went to work, which was at the royal Aether Library. I didn't go to my parents because mom didn't have work today and would be able to tale care of dad who is much better now.

As I walked to the library I passed by some of my angel friends and greeted them with a small hug, a polite hello and a sweet smile like I always do. They did them same for me and went on our own ways.

Also I decided to wear my new dress today since it was pretty and actually very comfortable, I also liked that the back was open enough for me to move my wings freely.

Once I got to the library I greeted the other angels that worked there before going to start my work. I helped angels that came to find the books that they were looking for or gave them my suggestions on books that would be good to read depending on their choice of theme.

When it was noon I saw a royal guard walk in and look around till he saw me and smiled, walking towards me. I gave my own smile and greeted him.

"Hello Mike, it's good to see you" I said to him.
"It's good to see you too (Y/n). Would you mind helping me find a book that the King asked for?" Mike asked.
"Of course. What book did he ask for?" I asked.
"It's a book about legends and myths" Pat said and I knew which one he was talking about the moment he described it.
"Give me a second, I'll go and grab it for you" with a nod of his head I flew to the third floor and to the fifth shelf of a bookshelf near the corner.

I pulled out the book and flew back to Mike before giving it to him.

"Here you go Mike"
"Thanks (Y/n), also love the new dress, it suits you" he complemented me.
"Aww thanks" I smiled sweetly but then I remembered the rose and my smile vanished.

He seemed to notice and must've grown a bit concerned.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.
"Oh, it was nothing just thought about something that happened last night" I explained.
"What happened?" He asked again.
"As I was flying back home I saw a rose with petals that faded from white to red. Half of it was on our side while the other half was on the Nether's side. When I tried to grab it I felt a small electric shock and left it" I told him.

He now seemed worried but I didn't understand why. I wasn't hurt and the rose couldn't be something bad.

"You should talk to Notch about this. That is very unusual and he should know" Mike told me.
"Ok, I'll come by at 8:30pm" I said and with a final nod he went back to the castle while I went back to work.

As I worked I kept thinking of how the conversation with me and Notch would be about that rose. It seemed a bit ridiculous but I think it's necessary if I talked to him about it. These thoughts have been running around my mind a lot especially at my lunch break, it even made my co-workers worry about me.

When it was 8pm I got out of work and went home to put my stuff away and have some dinner. Once I finished I looked at the time. 8:25pm. I put on a different dress and flew to the castle where Notch waited for me at the throne room. I bowed down before him but he immediately stopped me.

"(Y/n) you know you don't have to bow down." He told me.
"I know but it would be disrespectful and rude of me if I didn't" I said which made him smile.

He took me to his meeting room but we were the only ones there.

"Mike told me about what you found yesterday and it concerned me greatly. Was that rose there before or did it just appear there last night?" He asked.
"It appeared there last night" I answered.
"When you touched it did you hand go past the Aether's part of the land?" He asked again.
"No, I gently grabbed it by the leaf that was on our side so I could pull it over to me" I answered.
"Did you feel anything other than the electric shock when you touched it?" He asked.
"No but I did feel something after I touched. I felt like something was trying to pull me closer to the broader but I flew away" I answered.

He now looked very worried and started thinking.

"(Y/n) I suggest that you try and stay away from the bridge the next time you go there with your friends" he told me to which I nodded.
"Also please be extra careful when you go there alone or even try avoiding going there all by yourself" he added to which I nodded again.
"One last thing, if you see another unusual thing happening or appearing there come and tell immediately" he finished.
"Understood, I'll be sure to inform you if anything weird happens" I said.

With that being said he let me go and I flew back home. I was very tired so I changed into my nightgown and laid down in bed, closing my eyes and let sleep take over me.

But I failed to notice the same rose I spoke about today, laying on my nightstand.

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