An unexpected reaction

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Hey guys so I have something to tell you I've been getting bullied for the last year and a half. They made me think everything about me was wrong what I liked how undressed and who I was has a person. I was destroyed espiacally because these people were my friends and my problem was for the longest time I kept trying to be there friends I tried to still for in with them but they had changed and so had I. I needed to take a break from everything I shut everything out I didn't go to gymnastics I didn't sing , didn't run didn't text barely left my room and didn't write. I tryed to change who I was but I can't no matter how much I wanted to I became depressed and as I mentioned before shut everything and everybody out . I'm really sorry I'm better now it will try to update. I love you guys you really are the best

Chapter 7

Tris pov

" Uriah!?" I say sounding a bit shocked and disappointed. " oh um hey tris is this a bad time I can lea-" "no no no I was just expecting someone else" I say. " four right ?" He asks

"Uh yah" I mumble realizing the sudden tension we stand in silence for a few minutes "so is there anything you wanted ?" I ask. " um yah I just wanted to tell you that I um I-

Just then I see Tobias walking up the driveway "hey babe " he says "hi Uriah!"

I smile at him and kiss him we'll Uriah waves "you ready to go tris?" Tobias asks " yah one minute Uriah was asking me something" I say "what were you saying uri ?" "oh um just that I Thought your stunt at cheer practice was really cool." He says I can tell that he's lieing tho and I shoot him a look that says "tell me the truth later" and he nods I wave goodbye.

Tobias pov

I was walking up tris's driveway when I heard voices Uriah was going to tell tris something and I was almost 100 percent sure it was about his feelings for her it was so obvious he looks at her likes she's his world . When he's about to a

Admit it I make myself visible and shout "hey babe"

She kisses me then exchanges a few words with Uriah and we get in the car.

Page break

Tris pov

The date was so amazing I had so much fun. When I get home I shower brush my hair and throw it up in a messy bun pull on some black pink sweatpants and one of Tobias's sweaters from the last time he spent the night. When I hear rocks being tossed up my balcony and hitting my window I peak out and see Uriah. "Hey??? What are you doing here it's 11 o'clock at night " I say " I wanted to tell u the truth tris I love you I have since we first met and I always will please be with me ! " Uriah pleads "Uriah ? You can't do this why are you doing this is this a joke ? You can't expect me to just break up with four because you proclaim that you love me ." I say suddenly angrey is it because I love Tobias or because I don't want to be right about feeling something for Uriah. " tris I I'm sorr- " he starts. "No Uriah just leave please just leave I can't deal with this right now god Uriah you were the only one I told about everything going on and you still do this just to cause more drama?" I suddenly see the tears in his eyes and find myself crying and realize I'm yelling. "Tris I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he says and runs off "Uriah ! Wait I'm sor-" but I'm just talking to empty space.

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