Chapter 17:Getting Back to Normal

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Kirishima's POV
  "There, there right there. Stop... yeah, there," Todoroki says. I smile watching as Kat struggles a bit as Todoroki tells him where to place things. I hear a growl come from Kat's mouth, "Dumbass. FIGURE IT OUT ALREADY HALF N' HALF!" I hear a small snicker, "Just break it then, see if I care." I rush over, grabbing the box.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU ICYHOT!" "What makes you think I'm not already dead on the inside?" I snicker at that last remark, causing Kat to go red in the face and storm out.

"He's always got a problem," Todoroki says, smirking. "I mean, it is Bakubro."

  Kat and I meet near his room. He stands there, still. "What the fuck are you looking at Ei?" I shrug, turning away. "I don't know Kat. Maybe I'm looking at my hot boyfriend." I feel a tug on my arm. Our lips meet. I missed this. We hold this kiss a bit longer than usual. We both pull away, gasping for air.

"What was that for?" I ask, gasping in between each word. He smirks, "It's been a hot minute. And, you're finally relaxing. This is a celebration." I smile, watching him act like a man baby for a  few more seconds.

  Our phones go off. "Huh? Denki tagged us in something?"

Opening up Instagram....

New Couple Alert!!!

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New Couple Alert!!!

  I feel my face start to burn. I look up at Kat, who looks like he's gonna murder Denki. "Hey. Kat, it was bound to get out eventually. I'll talk to him. If things go south, then I'll call for backup."

  I walk toward the elevator, and hit Denki's floor. I walk towards his door and knock. "Yo! Denks! We need to talk!"

Bakugou's POV
  I walk out of the dorms. It's bad enough that we're getting more touchy, but now with Pikachu and his pictures. "EH?" I turn around to see a couple of second years. I recognize some of them, Eva Skaza. She's able to use fire as a burning and healing source. Her friend, Kami Woods. He's able to turn in and out of a demon form. And then their is my least favorite person of the bunch, John Rin. He's able to go back and forth in time.

  "Hey, 1st year, what you doing out here all alone?" Kami said, walking closer. John looks at the guy with the longer black hair, "Hey, Alex. Stop Kami." I watch as this, Alex, guy steps forward grabbing Kami's shoulder. "Dude, no. You know Kitty Central will have our tails if she finds out we beat up a first year." Kami smile turns crooked. "She doesn't need to know, now does she Alex?"

  "Kami, no. That's enough," Eva starts. I feel an erie presence. I turn and look at the dorms. 'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. If this guy hits me with that quirk, I'm dead.'

  I look back, reliving what happened.

   "Come on, child. We just want some cash!" She says, slamming my head into the wall. I let out a low cry, feeling blood drip for my face. The people around her had already sacked my pockets. "S-stop.." I say, sobs breaking my breath. She laughs, "Or what, you'll call your 'backup?'" The kids around her laugh. She lets go of my head, "Get tough kid. Fight back next time. I'll want to see it. Weakling."

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