Chapter 26:Her Scream

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I'm just gonna start with a OOP-

Bakugou's POV


I grunt hearing laughter. I watch blood pour out of my chest. I gasp, looking back up at Ei.

"Ei-" His eyes are watering. Kura clutches Ei's shirt. I smile, trying the reassure them I was fine, but it only made it worse. The item used to stab is moved around. I groan, pain shooting up my spine.

And in that moment of terror, I thought two things:

1:Ei will never get to know how much I love him.

And two:

This little girl's scream kills me.

Kirishima's POV
Kura's scream fills the air as we run. "KIRI-" She screams, "WE NEED TO GO BACK FOR HIM!" I let out a quiet sob, hearing Kitty Central grunt in the background. Aizawa finally exits the building, turning his head toward Kat. I feel tears run down my face, and I clutch Kura, "Kura. Alright listen, do you know who that is?" I let her turn her head, she looks at the person stabbing Kat.

"Yeah. I know who that is...

But... she's my momma."

Shorter chapter. But, felt like you guys deserved something.

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