Chapter 25:Child

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Bakugou's POV
   "Look, he's smiling. He's totally fine." Ei says. The girl looks towards Chicken Wings. "He's smiling cause he's terrified." I burst into laughter. I hear a small giggle escape the child. "Alright. Alright," I start. "What's your name?" She smiles, "My name is Kura. But, my family calls me K. Everyone except... her.."

   Cat and Hawks are fighting, full blown one at that. Kura watches it for a second, "Oh. Okay. I hope the winged man is alright." Ei nods, looking at me. Kura smiles, her purple eyes light up. Her long purple pastel hair shines in the sun. I squint, Hawks looks... distressed? I don't understand, Cat wanted to have fun, not fucking-


Cat can copy any quirk. Means she could have the fucking projection.

Is Cat...

Kitty Parol?

Kirishima's POV
   "And his quirk goes boom!" "Boom?" She questions, I nod. She looks over at him, "BOOM!" She throws her arms up. "Yep! Great big Boom too!" Kura laughs, I smirk. I look over at Kat, and follow his gaze. Kitty Central and Hawks are play fighting like cats. I look over at Kura's head, watching a pair of cat ears shoot up. "They're so cool!" I look over at Kat again, watching as his face changes color. "Ei," He starts, practically mumbling.

"We need to get her out of here." "What?" Kura looks at Kat, "What? Get me out of here- WATCH OUT!" Both me and Kat flinch, I cover Kura. But nothing hits us. I glance up, seeing a shield. I look at Kura, she smiles. I look at Kat, he looks at Hawks. "Ei, we need to get her safe. Now."

The shield lowers and we rush toward the U.A. doors. I grunt, Kura speaks up, "Ba... Ba... BA BA!" I look behind. Kat tripped, he's getting up. Another explosion, they get closer and closer. I shield Kura multiple times. I watch as laughter fills the air. I look towards the fight scene and-

Hawks isn't there. Kitty Central is... KNOCKED OUT? And then it happened.

Kat reached up.

And her sword went through his chest.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm having a writers block. I can't focus on writing, and the music I listen to usually does my creativity a bunch. But it hasn't.

I really need your guys opinion.

Should I keep the new characters?

Or just kill them all at once?

Secretly Gay: KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now