Chapter 21:The Reveal

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Kirishima's POV
We look towards the parking lot, seeing a large clump of tar flying towards us. I jump out, hardening my skin. The tar hits me, but breaks into pieces. I look back, seeing Kat, Eva, and Alex all amazed. I look back, seeing a figure on the ground. "Eva! It's John! JOHN! JOHN!" They start calling towards him.

"KIDS! GET DOWN!" We watch a figure fly up, grabbing the next clump of Tar. Up in the air, pink wings flap and,

Kitty Central lands.

Bakugou's POV
"KIDS! LEAVE, NOW!" I glance at Eva. 'If Kitty Central isn't the Villian then-' "Well, I guess the Cat's our of the bag." We watch as a person walks out of the dust. The feet halt, revealing Demon. Cat's wings disappear. I watch as explosions leave her hands. "Fuck. KAMI! Take a step out. We have questions." Demon's smile goes crooked, "You know... Killing the Number 5 Hero would cause such a commotion. Even... U.A students."

Ei grabs my arm, "We need to get another Teacher. Quickly-" "KITTY CENTRAL!" We turn to see Eva, rushing toward her. Ei reaches out for her. His hand misses her. "I NEED TO GET JOHN!" She rushes toward John. Kami lifts his hand and a spike is thrown towards Eva. I rush over, "FUCK! EVA!" I jump behind her, feeling a pain in my leg. Ei rushes over, grabbing my arm. We get over to the edge of the building. I look at my leg.

The spike that was thrown, had gone straight through my leg. Ei looks at me, "You're okay. You don't seem to be in a lot of pain. Fuck." We hear more yelling and...



Kirishima's POV
Kat passes out. I freak out. Not just the fact that Kat passed out, but it means he passed out due to blood loss. Eva grabs my shoulder. She lights her hand up with her pink flames, and touches Kat.

I look over at Kitty Central and Kami. They're fighting now. Kitty Central takes a hard left, knocking Kami to the ground. It's nice to watch her fight the guy that's caused everyone so much pain. She hangs a left. Kami grabs a spike and throws it, cutting Kitty Centrals hood. It flys off, revealing long pink hair, a pair of deep Emerald eyes, and an angelic face. If I was straight, I would of melted seeing her.

Kami stops for a second, giving Kitty Central the time the throw a kick. Kami doubles back. Kitty Central pulls out blue flames and throws them around him. She sighs, falling to the ground. Alex rushes over, followed by Aizawa and All Might. She looks up, smiling over at me. I follow with a smile. She won, he's gonna go to jail. She's amazing. Almost as amazing as Crimson Riot. Eva cheers, Kat is smiling and everything is okay.

   "WAIT! AIZAWA-" I turn watching a spike be driven through Aizawa's chest. He falls, limp. Kami laughs, and disappears. "Fuck. ROY!" I look up to see Hawks, he looks panicked. I look back, watching John stand up. Recovery Girl is standing with Kat. I point, her following my gaze. She rushes over to Aizawa. I walk over to Kitty Central and Hawks. "Calm down, Hawks. I'm just exhausted." Hawks nods, looking at me.

   "You, kid. Your friend okay?" I look backs Kat, he's got bandages around his leg. He sends me a thumbs up. I nod, Hawks smiles. Kitty Central stands up, "Fuck. That kid... his quirk is... out of control. His name is Kami Woods. He's one of the most powerful Second Years, Hawks. He can't beat a lot of hero's, but when it comes to it. He's able to connect to people's inner demons and project them. His only weakness is the people he loves, which, at the moment, doesn't look like anyone."

  Hawks nods. Kitty Central looks over at Aizawa, "Wait... ZAWA??" She rushes over toward Aizawa, tears run down her face. From afar, I see a little girl. Almost in tears. I squint, and she mouthed the same words over and over again.

"My sister. Is she okay?"

THREE CHAPTERS! I'm done for the week. So yeah. Kami bad person. Kitty Central best gurl. Oof.

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