My Scorpion-Obsessed Romance [13+ Frerard Romance]

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Gerard always had a thing for scorpions. He just thought they were the coolest creatures ever! In preschool, when other kids played with toy dinosaurs, he drew scorpions. One time he wanted to be a scorpion for Halloween, his favorite holiday, but he couldn't find a costume.

Gerard was always different. Gerard was always weird. Too feminine, too obsessive, too gay, too into punk music...Too this, too that. His teen years turned his future bleaker and bleaker, stress building up on him and driving him into depression, which worsened as the years went by. Eventually it subsided, but it was always on the shore, waiting to dip its toes into the ocean that was Gerard Way's life.

Gerard wanted to be an artist. In his senior year he took only five classes a day out of the possible seven at Belleville High so he could focus on his artwork. In his junior year he had come to terms with his sexuality, and since then he had expiramented with dating a handful of people. As it turned out, the jocks who called him a fag in junior high weren't that far off, because Gerard didn't mind what team he was batting for, as long as he loved who a person was on the inside. Now in his senior year he was single and preparing for college, and he was lonely.

Gerard was in his art studio in the basemant of his house. With a new canvas he began painting without thinking of the desired outcome of his art, only creating what his emotions currently felt like. With long, colorful strokes of his paintbrush he found his happy place as the early afternoon light streamed in from the single window of the room. He was completely in his zone. He started to think about college, and how he couldn't wait to go to art school with others like him, who had the same passions as him, who wouldn't think he was a freak for being who he was, unlike his classmates in his shitty Jersey town.

A knock on the door alerted Gerard of the existance of the outside world before Mikey entered the basemant, yanking out his earbuds.

"Hey Gee," the younger brother acknowledged Gerard by his nickname "Mind if I watch you paint?"

Gerard shrugged. Mikey never judged him by his artwork, so what did it matter?

"How was school?"

"It was alright. It sucked, because, y'know, school, but otherwise it was an average non-shitty day."

"Good, good." Gerard replied absently, focused more ont the canvas before him than small-talk.

"Don't you get lonely down here all by yourself?" Mikey pondered, coming closer to examine his brother's latest masterpeice.

"Nope, I'm pretty occupied." Gerard chuckled. "I'm just glad I don't have to go to school for the whole day like you."

"Oh Gerard. wow... it's so good!" Mikeys eyes wandered over the paint strokes admiringly. "Is that... a scorpion? You haven't been obsessed with those things for years!"

Gerard shrugged it off, blushing. "I wasn't really sure what it was gonna be, but I guess... yeah, it does look like a scorpion, huh?"

If there were lightbulbs hanging over people's heads at all times, Mikey's would have lit up just then.

"Oh, shit. That reminds me! I have a friend that I think you'll really like, and I set you up on a date tonight! I'm sorry, I would've told you sooner, but it totally slipped my mind."

Gerard sighed. "Mikes..."

"I know Gerard, but please? You know I love your art, but I get worried about you being all alone down here in this basement all the time... I worry about you."

"I know, Mikes, and thank you... but c'mon, a date? Tonight? You of all people know I hate meeting new people and socializing."

"Give him a chance Gee, you'll really like him. I think you've even met him before."

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