Chapter 8

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"Wow Em, you look beautiful" I tried not to smile at the compliment, so I put on a straight face instead.

"Don't push it" It took a while to get our table, but it was worth the wait. We were seated on the roof top, over looking the city and its shining lights, as well as the ocean. The best part though, was the pink and oranges dancing across the sky and the sun sinking slowly into the water. "You picked well Carlos"

This time I didn't fight my smile. The scenery was to die for. It felt...romantic and peaceful.

"I know. I love this, it's so beautiful" I turned my head to face him, only to see him staring at me.

His eyes held a beautiful shade of green and blue. But was also swarmed with different emotions. Sorrow, regret, sympathy and even love. They were all so confusing, and I could feel his emotions. It was like every emotion he held danced across my body, leaving me tired and sad. "So, uhm..."

He cut me off, a gentle look softening his featured "Emma, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry I never stood up for you. I regret letting you leave and I regret making you feel so bad. I should've been there for you. I should've picked you up and stood by you. But I didn't...I left you hurt and broken and oh my god I'm so sorry Emma" Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt his emotions burst into one.

I knew he was regretful, and I knew how he felt. He was pressured, pressured into being someone he knew he wasn't. And I understand that, I understand that we as individuals, were stereotyped into different groups.

And I was forgiving him. I wanted to forgive him...I wanted to love him just as much as he would love me...and that's why I said what I had said

"I forgive you Carlos."

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