Chapter 12

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My head was pounding, my rib cages aching. I opened my eyes, looking at my surroundings. Thankfully I was in my room.

"You're awake! Are you okay? What happened out there? You were blee-" I groaned with frustration

"Just shut up! I'm fine! Where is my father?" I asked whilst ripping my blankets off my body, the cold air sending shivers down my spine.

Carlos stood in front of me, pushing me back down gently, holding a firm gaze as he shook his head. It came to times like these where I was unsure if I fought back or let him have his way. I just wanted to know if my father was okay "No. you stay right here okay? I'll go get him"

I sighed with relief knowing he was okay. I didn't know what I would've done if he wasn't. I nodded my head, lying back down as I waited impatiently for my father to come rushing in.

What felt like hours, countless scary thoughts and annoyed sighs, my father came rushing in. My eyes lit up seeing that nothing was wrong with him. No cuts, bruises, nothing. "Oh Emma, are you okay? I tried to fight them off, but there were so many I'm so sorry Emma"

I gently rubbed my hand across his cheek, the stubble itching the back of my hand. Concern was evident on his face, his eyes scanning for any harm that could've been visible to him. Tears welled in my eyes as i could only imagine how he was feeling when I left, the concern, guilt. "I'm okay father. Where is mother? Is she okay?"

His face dropped, looking away from me, his grip loosing around me. That was the moment I knew something was wrong. He was hiding something and I knew it was going to pain him to tell me. It was bad, real bad. "Dad?.." Worry filled my body as I forgot about the pounding headache inside my head. I sat up, pushing the covers off my warm body. "Where is mom?!"

"Emma no!" I ran out the door, screaming for her, people looking sympathetic and worried as I ran down the halls of the pack house. Running into their room, I saw pale, cold body lying peacefully on their bed. 

It was like time stood still. I couldn't hear or feel anything. Their muffled cries was the only thing reminding me that my mother was dead. I felt nothing. It was like I wasn't even here. 

It was at this point that my life completely took an unexpected turn. 

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