3 - Please Say Yes

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Chapter 4:: Please Say Yes::


Lyrik's Pov. ( <----- You'll rarely see this. )

I finally got to meet my dad. I look so much like him. We have the same nose, ears, smile, eyes, and hair! And we're both pranksters too! But I'm still mad he left me and my mommy.

"Lyrik breakfasts ready!"

"Coming mwommy!"

I raced down the stairs and sat in a big chair. ALL BY MYSELF! Yeah that's right I'ma big girl now. I don't need a high chair no more.

"Mwommy what's for breakfast?"

"Eggs, bacon, gritz, and pancakes."

"My favowite."

"Yeah. Now eat up!"

"Ma are you and daddy gonna start.dating?"

Brienna's Pov.

I choked on my food when she said that. What the actual fuck does this girl know about dating?

"Um I don't know baby." I said. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering. It looks like you guys have chemistry between you two."

What the fuck does she know about chemistry?! That's it she spends too much time with the girls.

"Hurry up and eat Lyrik. Daddy wants to take you to the park today."

"Okay ma."

About five minutes later Lyrik was.done eating and I gave her a bath. I dressed her in black skinnies, a purple shirt that says 'Can't Touch This' in black and white, and her Fireberry 7's. Ray texted me saying he was on his way.

Ray's Pov.

I picked up Lyrik so we could go to the park. I wanted Bri to come but she said she had somewhere to go. I feel like Bri's trying to avoid me, and the only reason she talks to me is because of Lyrik. I don't blame her but I wish she could she that I changed. And for the better. Oh, I know what I'm going to do. I'ma ask her on a date. And I won't take 'no' for an answer. Its gonna be the date she's always dreamed of. Its gonna be magi-

"Daddy! Daddy!," Lyrik yelled from the back.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing babygirl."

"Was is about mommy?"

Damn. This girl is smart.

"Why you ask?"

"Just wondering...... YAY we're here!"


[ I don't feel like writing the park scene so I'm skipping to when Ray took Lyrik home. ]

Brienna's House

Knock knock

It took about ten minutes for Bri to FINALLY answer the damn door.

"Hey Ray. Hey mamas, did you have fun?"

"Yeah we did, didn't we daddy?"

"We sure did babygirl."

"Okay c'mon Lyrik, lets go inside. Bye Ray."

"Wait can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure. Lyrik go play I'll be right there."

"Otay mwommy."

After Lyrik ran off Brienna stepped outside. My hands started getting all sweaty and its already bad enough I'm nervous.

"So what'd you wanna ask me?"

"Uh I was uh um I was just um..."

"Are you okay, you seem nervous."

"Yeah I'm fine."

WHY THE HELL AM I SO NERVOUS!?!? I've never been this nervous before. Let me just take a deep breath.

"IwasjustwonderingifyouwantedtogoonadateFridaynight?" I said all in one breath and gave her a nervous smile.

"Can you say that a bit slower."

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a date Friday night? " Please say yes.

"Uhh, Ray I would love to."



DAMN! There has to be a 'but'.

"I have no one to watch Lyrik. The girls are busy with the guys and my parents are out if the picture. So, I'm sorry no."

"My mom could watch her. I mean she always wanted to meet her granddaughter so why not."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then see you Friday."

"Yes. Pick you up at 8?"



Haii guise this is chapter 4 for you. Hope you enjoyed.

1.) Lyrik is just too much. Don't you think?

2.) Should Ray && Brienna start dating again?

3.) Do you think Ray really changed for the better or is he just saying that just to get into Bri's pants?

^^^Answer those three questions please.



4 votes

Baii now.

Lyrik Ja'Nae Smith (Ray Ray's Daughter) { Editing }Where stories live. Discover now