9 - Watch Out

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Tyler's Pov.

So first she talks to him, then lets him take MY Lyrik to FroYo, also goes on a date with him, and now she dates him again. What type of fuck is this? I warned her not to let him near my daughter, but she still does anyway.

You know what? Brienna? Enjoy the next few days with your 'boyfriend' and then prepare to say goodbye. Oh, wait. Did I say days? Weeeelllll I meant hours.

I took out my phone and decided to call my boys. They picked up on the third ring.

"Aye! What's up Ty?"

"I need you guys to do me a favor."

"What favor?"

After I told them the plan they all agreed and hung up. Ohhh Brienna. You should've listened when you had the chance. Now you and your boyfriend will suffer. Mostly your boyfriend.


Brienna's Pov.

It has been 3 months since Ray's been back. He did a lot on these months to gain my trust and he's succeeded. He was always there, he never broke a promise, and when he took me on dates he NEVER looked at other girls. We've had arguments here and there but it only made us closer.

After two months of him being here he asked me to be his girlfriend. But since I'm stubborn and still didn't trust him I declined. But two days ago when he asked again I couldn't help but say yes. Of course being the Ray he is he covered his happiness up with his cocky and arrogant side. But I wouldn't have him any other way. So here I am laying on the couch laughing my ass off because Ray won't stop tickling me.

"Oh my god! Ray stop!" I screeched.

"Nope not until you tell me you love me."

"I love you!"

"Nooooo. Say, 'I love you big daddy.' "

"No way in hell."

"Okay fine then."

The tickling stopped. Wait. What? All of a sudden I felt a big, warm hand go up my shirt and gently squeeze my right breast. An involuntary moan escaped my lips. I quickly covered my mouth as Ray smirked.

"You like that don't you?" He asked seductively. Doing the same thing to my other breast.

"Ray," I moaned, "Lyrik's upstairs."

"All you have to do is say those five words."

Oh lord Jesus he's grinding. Well you know what? Two can play at this game. I wrapped my legs around his waist and started grinding on him also. I smirked when he groaned.

"What's the matter?" I asked innocently, while trying not to moan.

"I see what your doing."

He bent his head down and started kissing on my neck. My weak spot. I shivered under his lips as my heart rate increased.

"Shit." I moaned. And to top it off he thrusted his hardened member against my already throbbing core and I moaned out loud again.

Since we're laying on the bed that's pulled out from the couch I flipped us over.

"Now I'm on top." I whispered in his ear.

I pulled up his shirt and traced my tongue across his abs while grinding on his member. Which is by the way getting harder, if that's even possible.

"Bri. I'm not going to be able to control myself any longer if you don't stop."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Knock Knock

"Perfect timing." Ray muttered sarcastically.

I got off his lap but not before he whispered, "This isn't over."

I opened the door and greeted Tae and Prod who ruined our fun. When we got in the living room Ray was sitting on the couch with a pillow over his lap.

"Ray, you can put a pillow on your lap all you want. But we all know you have a boner." Tae said.

I looked over at Ray and saw a tinge of red on his cheeks.

"Aww its ok baby." I cooed. "I'll fix it later." I whispered.

"Baby?!" They both screamed simultaneously.

It was my turn to blush. We kind of haven't told anyone we were dating.

"You're dating him! How you gon' to me like that? I thought we had something special babe?" Tae said dramatically.

"Tae shut the fuck up."

She laughed. "But seriously, why you ain't tell me?"

"I was..... eventually."

"Mwommy! Daddy! I hungwy. I want chicken! Can I get chicken?" Lyrik ran down the stairs screaming.

"I'm sorry Lee but we finish the chicken."

"B-but I want chicken." She said lowly and her lip started quivering.

"Baby, don't cry." I turned my attention to Ray. "Can you go to the store and buy some chicken?"

"Sure." He smiled.

"Damm bro. She already got you wrapped around her finger." Prod shook his head.

"Shut up Prod." Ray mushed his head and walked out the door.

"So how you guys been?" I asked.

"We've been go-"


We all ducked down.

"What was that?" Tae asked.

"It sounded like gun shots." Prod said.

"Oh my god. Ray!" I screamed.

I jumped up and ran to the door. My world came crashing down when I saw Ray on the floor unconscious with Tyler hovering over him, with a smirk on his face.

"Ray!" I ran to ray and pushed Tyler out the way. "Oh my god Ray, baby please wake up! Why would you to this to him?!"

"I told you, you were both going to suffer. You didn't believe me, so now we're in this position." He said calmly.

"You're going to pay for this."

"We'll see. Bye Brienna."

He jumped in the car and took off. Seconds later we heard the sirens go off notifying that they were almost here. When the paramedics and police arrived they put Ray on a gurney (sp) and the police kept asking me all the questions. I was so overwhelmed I couldn't think straight. All I could do was Pray.

Pray that Ray would be okay.


After the long ass wait I finally posted a chapter. Hope you enjoyed.


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Lyrik Ja'Nae Smith (Ray Ray's Daughter) { Editing }Where stories live. Discover now