10 - God Is Good

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Brienna's Pov.
I am nervous as hell! It has been four almost five hours since Ray was taken to the hospital and we still haven't heard anything from the doctors. I don't care what they say as long as he's fine and is going to to live I'll be happy. I just need to know my baby is okay.

"Raquan Smith?" The doctor called.

"What's the news doctor? Is he going to be okay? Is everything all right? Did he make it? Why aren't you answering any my questions?!" I yelled at the doctor.

"Bri calm down and let the man talk." Roc pulled me back.

"Sorry. So doctor?"

"He's going to be okay. He just needs to rest for a little while." The doc reassured. We all sighed in relief. He's going to be okay.

"But," the doctor started. Aw fuck there's a 'but'.

"He's going to need surgery."

"WHAT, WHY?" I yelled.

"We have to remove the bullets out of his body."

"Bullets? You mean plural?" Prodigy asked.

"Yes, he got shot 3 times. One in the leg, once in the shoulder,and one so close to his heart if it went any further he could have died."

"Thanks doctor. Can we see him now?" Raya asked.

"Sure, he's in room 117"

I pushed pass them started my search for Ray's room and disappeared around the corner. But not before I heard Roc say, "Damn she's like a fucking bulldozer." I rolled my eyes and ignored the comment. I looked left and right for the number 117.





Yes! I found the room. When I walked in I could not believe my eyes. The boy on the bed looked nothing like Ray. He looked so pale and lifeless. Like all the life and energy was literally sucked out of him.

"Oh my god." I said silently.

Ray noticed my presence and gave me a weak smile. I smiled back as he patted a spot on the bed for me to sit. I walked over and sat down carefully.

"Ray, I'm so sorry."

"Bri, don't blame yourself. You didn't know he was going to do that. It's not your fault." He said weakly.

"I should'nt have told you to go to the store."

"Babe, I would've went to the store regardless of whether or not you told me to. We were running low on some things anyway. It is NOT your fault okay?"

"Then why do I feel like it is?"

He grabbed my face gently and looked me in the eye and said, "It is not your fault. Stop blaming yourself for something you can't control.Okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."

"Okay. Now come lay down with daddy." He smiled.

"Idiot." I chuckled.

'Idiot that you love."

"Yeah, yeah." I said gently laying my head on his chest.


This is just a filler but I hope yoyu enjoyed it.




Lyrik Ja'Nae Smith (Ray Ray's Daughter) { Editing }Where stories live. Discover now