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Chapter 5

I was running as fast as I could. I wanted to be the first this time! It was always Tristan who came first and he would always make fun of me for being second best. But this time! I would be the one to make fun of him.

"Jet!" I could hear some of the other kids calling my name. As I looked back I could see Tristan trying to catch up with me. But not this time! I focused on the road ahead and pushed every muscle in my body to the limits.

The air turned my lungs to ice and I could feel the stinging sensation burning through my legs. Just a little more!

I turned the corner almost falling, but I didn't slow down. Tristan was starting to catch up. I could see the camp now!

I was almost there! But so was Tristan. He was just behind me now.

I tried to ignore the immense pain in my legs.

"Jet." A voice suddenly filled my head. It was low like a whisper and quite raspy.

I looked at Tristan to see if he heard it too. But he was gone. Where did he go? Had he already made it to the camp before me? No I didn't see him run past me?

I then ran straight into a wall.

And as a result I fell and landed on my back. I looked up to see, not the bandit camp, but a stone door with a weird symbol on it. It looked like a handprint. It looked somehow familiar. Where had I seen that handprint?

I stood up and inspected the door. There were no door handle? What kind of door dosen't have a door handle?

"Come home my child." The same voice from before rang out loud and clear in my head. The door before me opened up and I was just about to enter, when suddenly water fell from the sky. I was drenched.

I opened my eyes and shot up. I looked around confused. Where am I?

"What are you doing on my property! I haven't seen you before! Get away from my farm!" An old man was standing with a bucket. He didn't look happy. Was he talking to me? I looked around to see if there were anyone else around, then I noticed my clothes were wet and my hair too. I looked back at the old man still kinda confused "Sorry. But could you tell me where I am?"

The old man looked annoyed "On my property.

Now get lost before I call a guard!"

I nodded and ran off.

Well he was certainly in a bad mood. I still felt sleepy and I was freezing like hell. My clothes were drenched and it stuck to my body in a very uncomfortable way. I hated having wet clothes on. And it made the freezing even worse.

I walked further away from the farm

The sky above was a light blue colour and the clouds looked like soft paint strokes. My feet were heavy and the ground beneath me pulled me down. I could feel how it became harder and harder for me to fight it. My eyelids were almost stuck together completely, like two annoying love birds. I decided to lay down on the grass by a nearby tree. The grass felt like silk and the sun was beginning to warm up my clothes.

The sound of birds coming from the forest around me filled my ears and the smell of trees hit my nose. Suddenly everything seemed so far away.

I couldn't open my eyes, but I didn't want too either. My whole body just felt relaxed.

I remembered the dream I had. About the bandit camp, Tristan and that weird voice.

The thought of Tristan and the bandit camp made me miss them. They raised me and Tristan was like my brother. Even though he was extremely annoying at times. He was still a great friend.

I wonder what he's doing now? If he survived the attack back then...

I didn't want to think about the attack or the fact that many of my friends from back then might be long gone.

I can't remember what I was thinking as I fell asleep under the tree.

It was a dreamless sleep for once. No scared woman with white hair and no bandit camp and no weird door with creepy voices.

I slowly opened my eyes. They felt more dry than the sand of a dessert. I wonder how long I've been sleeping? Probably not that long since it was dark now. I looked around and noticed the light in the distance. I could feel my stomach trying to tear itself open. I hadn't eaten for days now. But where there is light, there is food!

I stood up and went for the city. Thankfully my clothes were now dry and I wasn't freezing that much.

The city was small and I quickly found the inn. I ordered some food and left after I got the directions for Whiterun.

~ I know this is unacceptably short and I haven't updated for way too long! But this chapter was honestly a nightmare and I simply wanted her to get to Whiterun. I did rewrite this like 82463 times. So I apologize. But hopefully next chapter will be more exciting. Since I do have lot's of ideas for that one. Also. I have the whole plot and story line. Basically shit is going down when Jet is finally accepted into the Dark Brotherhood! ~

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