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Hiiiiaaa... Dearrrr... New update here! Enjoy and let me know what you think about it... Hope you all have a good day and you are healthy... Keep smiling all the time 😄

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The junior group excluding Em were gathered in Kongpop's room. Rome and Wad were on the bed cuddling, Tew on the sofa and Kongpop on the ground crossed legged.

"Wad are you ok?" Tew asked as Wad looked pale since they arrived in kongpop's. Wad looks at them opening and closing his mouth for a while before he decides to speak.

"Guys... Our past is changing.." Wad sighs as he pulls away from Tew when he sees others' reaction. Tew and Kongpop were perplexed while Rome was nervous as if he already knew that.

"Wad... Not you too.." Kongpop pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He was getting tired of hearing this from Rome and now even Wad started it.

"Kongpop... This is serious! Haven't you noticed many things have changed since we came here? My dad was supposed to have a heart attack last month but that event never took place. Tew did you forget your dad's company went bankrupt at this period of time but that also didn't happen! And worst! Rome's whole past changed! He was not supposed to be with us here! In engineering college!" Wad shouts in frustration as he remembers Prem's dream.

"Kongpop... This all is not a coincidence... Remember in future... P'Bright and I had a huge argument due to his ex but because we started dating early he no longer is associated with that girl... P'Bright is not even close to Emma! Instead, he's jealous of her!" Rome sighs, yesterday Emma called Rome to hang out together which caused Rome big argument with Bright.

"Guys... Don't read this all wrong.." Kongpop tries to calm them. He knew his friends were scared but he didn't want them to make conclusions like these.

"Is this all indicating that we might be going back to the future?" Wad asked in fear, he didn't want to go back. He doesn't wish to leave his P'Prem here and go back and live unloved life again.

"I don't want to go back!" Suddenly Tew spoke while trembling, his eyes started watering as he looked towards his friends.

"Please! No!" Now even Wad was scared as he imagined the possibilities. Rome who was was silent whole while spoke suddenly

"I love both P'Bright.. whether future or Past... But I want to stay here too... Bright in the future is mature... He can handle himself without me... But P'Bright now... He will break... He won't be able to bear it.." Rome was even afraid to imagine. Bright was childish and silly all time but Rome knows that if he's not here anymore Bright won't be able to take it in a positive way.

" Please, guys! Don't get emotional! Maybe we all are thinking it wrong?? Maybe it's something else..." Kongpop went to Rome's side and hugged him.

"But what if it's actually what we are thinking?" Rome asked Kongpop in anticipation

"I... I don't know... I don't even want to think about it.."

The junior group were having dull faces which were noticed by the seniors. They didn't know what happened but they were worried about what's bothering them.

Juniors fear turned into reality when they realise that the Flag capturing event has been changed. In the past, they needed to know the meaning of Sotus but this time it was something different.

"What's going on? Isn't it supposed to be related to sotus?" Rome asked in worry as he remembered the stories others used to tell him all the time.

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