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Someone you once loved,

now someone you haven't seen in months,

they've seen you in a grump, heard you trump,

told you you're a lump as you wrestled and tumbled with them,

there wasn't anything you couldn't tell them,

thought you'd follow them all the way along the line and up to heaven,

the world sitting there ready to be grasped and gotten,

now all those feelings lost but not forgotten,

not rotten, but you try your hardest for them not to be retrodden,

when your mind lapses you zone out and reminisce,

not a bad premise but it can hurt and in your heart you can't help but grimace,

grimace for what was and what now isn't,

with the time you hope the sorrow will become more intermittent,

the joyful memories more evident,

there were many and more in abundance,

something that can't be lost when time was shared as companions,

this companionship is what is missed and feels strange when gone,

all part of moving on, even if it feels wrong,

but time was up, bang went the gong,

like a song,

in which to remember the words and what it meant but no longer listen,

just smile when it spontaneously comes on,

a beautiful and important time to look back on,

a time in which you will forever be fond,

a bond, a bond never broken,

a partnership in which you will always have a token,

an experience that allowed confidence to be awoken,

a tribute to the warmth you felt then,

something special that you hope you find again,

you grin,

you may just go about it differently then.

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