Chapter 1

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Selena~ "Alright that was great Sele!" Ed said giving me a hug and kissing my cheek. "Thanks Ed you were great to! I cant wait to preform already!" I said excitedly. "Me too the VMA'S this year are going to be better than last year" he said. "Especially with the great Ed Sheeran and the beautiful Selena Martinez dancing and preforming makes it even better" "aww thanks Simon" i said hugging him. "So have the boys texted you or tried contacting you in any way?" He asked. "No i lost there numbers when i got a new phone and so did Carmen when she get hers" i said kind of sad. "Well if you want i can give them to you" Ed said. "No Ed its okay i feel like they were getting tired of me, i dont want to annoy them" i said. Drinking out of my water bottle. "You wont-" my phone started ringing. "Hold that thought" i said and answered Carmen. "Hey boo" i said and she laughed. "Are uou almost here yet?" She asked. "Sorry i got caught up in talking to Ed and Simon" i said. "Oh tell him i said Hi!" She said. "To who Ed or Simon?" I joked. "Oh both!" She said and i laughed. "Hey Carmen says hi" i said to them and the said hi back to her. "Well i have to go and get some fresh air its really hot in here bye guys" i said hugging them goodbye. I started to walk back to the tour bus.

"Hey Carmen whats up?" I aksed her. "I finished the song!" She said. "Which one out of all?"i asked. "Blank Space you know how you couldnt figure out the ending well i got it here read" she said handing me the paper. "This is great! Now we can tell Si we have a new song to preform!" I said. "I'll tell him tomorrow at the practice" i said. "Should we go over it? Or do you wanna go get pizza? " i asked. And she smiled. "Pizza duh!" She yelled and i laughed. "Alright im just gunna shower real quick then we can go" i sad and she nodded sitting back donw on the couch. I got in the bathroom and put my phone on sguffle as i always do when im going to shower. The first song that came on was 'You Made Your Bed by Travis Garland' he was and amazing singer and i absolutely loved this song. I sang along to it as he started to sing. "You fucked up, dont you know it babe, cause we wake up and you still see my face im so happy you're threw with me cause when we break up you know someones going to feel the pain coild of given you everything that you want" After a while of singing my heart out i got out of the shower and got dressed. "Alright Carmen you ready?" I aksed as i walked into the living room she didnt answer and was staring at the TV i looked at it and the boys were on. I sat down and watched. They seemed so happy without us there. I wonder if they miss us? "Thank you guys so much we couldnt be happier" Niall said. Well i guess that answered my question. I looked down and grabbdd the remote turning the TV off. "Come on Carmen we gotta get our minds off of them, now lets go get that pizza" i said. And she sighed. "You're right lets go" she said. We got out and started walking to the nearest pizza parlor.

We walked in and sat down. "Alright well i know what im getting you?" I asked and she nodded. "Good afternoon im Tish what can i get you ladys to drink?" She asked. "Ill take a Dr. Pepper" i said and she nodded writing it down. "And ill also take a Dr. Pepper" she said. "Are you ready to order or woiod you like a little more time?" She asked us. "We're ready" we said telling her our orders and then whenshe left we started talking about other songs that we need to finish and some music video ideas. Soon Tish came with our orders and she left. "Fuck i forgot to ask if they had chili ill be back"i said to Carmen but i dont think she heard she was to busy devouring her pizza.

"Excuse me do you haveany chili?" I asked "umm yeah he-" "here im done with this one if you want it" a tall dark heard guys said he looked around 18 or 19 years old. "Thank you" i said grabbing it from his hand. "Your welcome, umm my names Jack by the way" he said kind of nervos. "Im Selena" i said shaking his hand. "Hey arent you the Selena from Selena & Carmen? Or C&S?" He asked. "Yeah i am i didnt think anyone was going to recognize me" i said smiling. "Oh are you suposed to be in disguise or something? " hs asked. "No its just i used to hang out with the One Direction guys and thats was when thet noticed me" i said. "Well i dont know how they couldnt recognized you, you're very beautiful" he said. "Thank you you're not so bad uour self" i said winking at him. "Well if you're eating alone would you mind if i xame and joined you?" He asked. "Who said i was eating alone?" I joked. "Well umm-i- umm" "im joking im sitting with my bestfriend Carmen you know my other band mate" i said and he nodded. "If you anat you can still come and join us" "well i also got a friend with me too" "well he is welcome to come to" i said and he smiled. So maybe we can meet next time here's my number. he said walking away and i walked to Carmen and i's table. "Who was that guy you were talking to?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. "His names Jack" i said. "Why didnt you invite him over?" She asked. "Oh i did and hes got a friend" i said wiggling my eyebrows this time. "Oh is he cute?" She asked. "I dont know i havent seen him" i said taking a bite of my pizza. "Have rokm for two more?" Asked Jack. "Well yeah if i invited you over then of course i said scooting over and he sat next to me. And his friend sat next to Carmen. She blushed a little when she saw him. She obviously liked him. "So whos your friend?" I asked. "Well Selena and Carmen this is Jack" he said. "Jack and Jack well thats nice you guys have the same name, easier to remember" Carmen said and we all laughed. "Yeah well im Jack Gilinski and hes Jack Johnson" Jg explained. "Well im going to call you JG and you Jj" is that cool with you guys i asked. "Yep totally fine" jj said. "Well alright then" we all talked and talked and then right before we all left we exchanged numbers.

"Well bye Selena ill text you okay?" Jg said. "Okay you already said you would now you have to" i joked. "I will dont worry" he said as he went up to jj as he was saying bye to Carmen. "So you?" I asked and she blushed. "What about you and Jg?" She said. "hes cool" i said then my phone vibrated. 'See i told you i would text you so hey' Jg said. "Who is it" Carmen asked. "Jack G." I said. "Oh i see how uou two are going to be she said smiling."whatever i see you two so dont be making fun of me" i said and she looked at her phone smiling. 'Miss me already?' I texted Jg back. Carmen and i made it back to the bus still texting the Jacks man they were cute and nice.

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