Chapter 8

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"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" I yelled playfully as he threw a snowball at me hitting my shoulder. He laughed and ran. I picked up a snowball with my bare hands, which was really cold but I threw it anyway. He ran and as I attempted to catch up to him, I couldn't. Being my idiotic self I was wearing flats in the winter. Stupid? I know. But at this perfect moment I didn't care or think about it much. "Come catch me." He taunted sticking his Tongue at me. I ran after him but he kept running. I attempted one more time but I just couldn't. As I started walking playfully to the car. "Well if I can't catch you, why should I chase." I said loudly for him to here. I could tell he was running after me. I could hear his footsteps crunch the hard ground. I began to run but he swooped me in his arms and swung me. "JACK!" I yelled playfully as he laughed swinging me. "CARMEN!" He taunted back with me still on his back. "Put me down Jack." I laughed and he refused. "Until you tell me I'm the best boyfriend in the world." He commanded. I know what you're thinking. "Already dating? It's been only 3 days?!" I know. But sometimes you just have to let things fall into place. Even if in the end it hurts. You couldn't control it even if you wanted too. "Your the best boyfriend in the country." I laughed harder and he refused again. "I could hold you up here all day." He taunted and I surrendered. "Your the best boyfriend in the whole universe." I sighed and he put me down but he put his hands around my waist. "Not what I was looking for but, that's better." He smirked and I kissed his lips. I heard crunches. We released quickly and turned to where the sounds were coming from. Paparazzi. "We should get going." He said looking at them and frowning. "Let's go." I said grabbing his hand and led him to the car. "I hate them. They ruin everything." He groaned and I slightly laughed. "I'm way too cold right now too care." I laughed. "You know what could make this moment better?" He asked cheeky. "What?" I smirked. He brought his lips closer to mine but I wanted to tease him. I got closer and right when we were about to touch I ran. "HEY!" He yelled and I ran. We began running to the car. I quickly opened my seat and closed the door laughing at him pouting as he entered. "No fair." He pouted and I laughed. "Can I please have one?" He pouted like a little kid and I laughed. I didn't feel like it, but like I said, I'll do anything to be happy again. Even if it doesn't feel right. "Ok." I smiled and kissed his lips and we released. "That's more like it." He smiled and turned on the engine. "Where are we off to next?" I asked huffing from the coldness. "Let's go to McDonalds. I'm hungry." He groaned and I smiled at him. It reminded me of Niall. He loved that place. Well basically any fast food place. He never stopped eating. "What are you thinking of?" He asked laughing and I snapped back to the world. "Oh nothing." I lied fake smiling. One of my many specialties...

"No don't!" I whispered when Jack through wet paper ball from his straw at the waiter. It hit him directly in the back of his neck. We laughed really hard trying to hide the fact that it was us causing this whole mess. Not in this whole entire year have I laughed like this. It felt good. It "Oh my gosh." I laughed so hard that I almost cried as well as he. We have been here for an hour spitting spit balls at the waiter, which was totally clueless that it was us. We have barely eaten our food, distracted by creating reck. "Oh my gosh." I wiped my eyes. "Changing that subject." He breathed for air. "Are you packed for tomorrow?" I smiled hugely. "Yep. Are you?" He smiled back trying not to laugh again. "Nope. Well kinda. I took out some stuff but most of it, is in the luggage." I explained and he nodded. "We can go. We need to get out of here before they notice." He laughed once more and I did too.

"HELLO!" He yelled entering the bus finding no one around. "All to ourselves." He wiggled his eyebrows and I smirked. "Uh, no." I smirked sitting next to him. I yawned. I was tired.

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