Chapter 6

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I looked through my closet. I could here everyone in the front of the bus playing around by the loud laughter. As I smirked at the loud laughter from Selena and sorting through my clothes I found a particular shirt. A long, white shirt that was wrinkled. I bought it close to my chest. The smell of clone. The wrinkles of uwhen I slept with it every night for 9 month straight until I thought Lucy through it out.I could feel my eyes began to teary. It's funny how the smallest things could bring back so many memories. I tossed it back. I needed to get over that if I wanted to be happy. I grabbed an outfit and curled my hair. I didn't really like going out but these past few 2 days, I feel like going anywhere. I need to change. I looked in the mirror and smiled slightly. "Let's do this." I whispered and walked out of the room. "Hey." I smiled slightly and they smiled back. Jj stood up and grab my waist. "You look great." He winked and I rolled my eyes playfully. "Babe leave them alone." Selena said tugging Jg's arm playfully walking out of the bus. That just left me and him on the bus. "So what do you want to do?" I asked smiling and he grabbed my hands swinging them. I didn't know what we were. Friends? Best friends? Benefits? Relationship? "I have something plan for us today." He smiled and I smile back. "Then we should get going." I smiled. "My lady." He said like a gentlemen and I took his arm. We laughed as he led outside. It was snowing. No surprise really. It's always cold here. I liked it. "It's cold." I shivered because I was stupid enough to leave my jacket inside. Our feet crunched the white snow. "Don't worry. I'll keep you warm." He winked and I laughed and hugged his arm as we walked to the car. He entered into the drivers seat and I entered the passengers. It was a bit cold but warmer than outside. "Where are we going?" I asked and he started the engine. "It's a surprise." He smiled and I raised my eyebrow as we drove. I opened my phone and saw obviously a bunch of nonifications from the fans. I tuned off my phone and stared straight at the road. Where was he taking me? "I have a question." He asked me. I turned to him. "What?" I asked and he slightly laughed grabbing one of my curls. "What's the next color?" He asked and I laughed. I knew what he was talking about. I haven't died my hair in a while. Ever since we left the boys, I didn't feel like doing anything. The roots began to come out so I asked Jessy to dye my hair a simple color like brown. My natural, boring, plain color. I lost interest in a lot of things since we left. "Hehe. Actually I like it that way." I slightly laughed at the thought he saw my pics of when I was with the guys. "No. Of course you look pretty that way, but you should do another color. I have to say that those red tips were pretty tight." He pointed out and I laughed with him. "You know what Jack. Maybe I will." I smiled and he smiled. "It's because of me, huh?" He joked and I playfully hit him. "Yes. I plan to dye my hair so I can woo you with my women powers then tie you to my bed and never let you go." I laughed and he did too. "I have that affect on girls." He winked and rolled my eyes and he laughed. "Someone's jealous." He teased and pretended by crossing my legs and pouting. He grabbed my hand. "Don't worry. Your the only girl I see." He smiled and I smiled back then turning to the road. I have no idea what this makes us but I hope it's something good. He stops in front of a lonely park. "What are we doing here?" I asked and he turned off the engine and smiled at me. "I told you I'd take you Ice skating." He smiled and got off the car. "Oh my gosh." I gasped that he actually did this. He opened my door and grabbed my hand and helped me out. I looked at the Lovely park. A white blanket so clear. No one in sight. Just me and him alone. "Come on." He smiled and he grabbed my hand and led me to a huge pond with sold ice. I stopped before we got on top of it. "Are you sure it's safe?" I asked cautious. He smiled and pecked my lips. "Trust me." He said and it hit me. I haven't trust anyone except when we left the boys. I'm just scared you know. I took a deep breath and I could feel my left foot almost slip. "Oh my gosh." I gasped as I almost fell but he caught me. "Hehe. Don't worry. I'll catch you." He smiled and I felt his gaze his eyes. I smiled back at him and then I stood up and tall. "Ok so." He began and we slid little by little laughing while holding our hands together making sure we wouldn't fall. "For a first time skater, you're doing pretty good." He confessed and I smirked. "Did your expect me to suck?" I smirked and he smiled. "Truthfully yes." He laughed and I faked a gasp. "I'm just joking. You know I love you." He joked and hugged me. I hugged him back tightly but next thing we knew he was me on top of him as we were on the solid pond. "I am so SORRY." I pleaded feeling bad as he laughed. "Don't worry. I kinda like this." He smiled as I was on top of him. He brushed my hair behind my hair out of my face. He grabbed my cheek and kissed me gently. Our warm lips with the cold environment felt good. We released and I stared at him. He smiled and told me slightly,"We can stay here if you'd like." He winked and I blushed getting off him. As we stood up and I had to ask the dying question. "What are we?" I asked and he frowned. "I thought we were a you know, together." He said a bit disappointed. I looked down that showed my feet. Harry. Why does he always come back to my mind? Why is he so incredible that it twists my mind. I needed something. Something to be happy again. Like he did with me. I grabbed his hands. Jack was a good guy. I didn't want to waste this opportunity. Even if this didn't feel right. "Maybe we can give it a try?" I said smiling slightly and he smiled hugely and grabbed my waist to bring me closer. "I thought youd never ask." He laughed and kissed me softly like the other times. There we stood in the middle of a solid pond, kissing, and enjoying the moment of us. The beginning of a whole lot of shit to come...

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