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( the week before the debuteball. I might have spelled wrong sorry)
Athy POV:
I was in the garden thinking about the debut ball. ' agh what am I supposed to do. What will ijetkly think when he sees me and nows I am a princess.' I was to deep in thought that I did not notice lily calling me.
" princess, princess, princess. Are alright" I snapped out of my thought. I looked at lily she seemed worried. " yah I am I was just thinking about things" " Thats relive. Anyways your cake and tea is ready." " thank you lily"
I went to eat then Lucas appears  in front of me.
" what are you doing here Lucas" I was so annoyed. " I was passing bye. So are u gonna meet that girl again. What her name." He said annoyed " you mean jennet why do u hate her so much" i was really confused. " there is something strange about her. I just can't get my fingers in it. Oh well see you later princess" he teleports out.
Seriously that guys is REALLY annoying.

Lucas POV:
I was on my break so I wonder around. I saw athy eating cake so I decided to go check up on her. " what are you doing here Lucas." She seemed really annoyed. "Just checking up on you. So are you gonna me that girl again." I asked really annoyed.
There is just something about that girl that makes me mad. Whenever I am around her I let my guard for some reason. The only person I ever put my guard down is athy. I need to investigate this thing. 

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