Chapter 1

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Elora's P.O.V.
Steps for being on the run.
- always keep moving.
-change your look often
- always have food and water.
-don't use a phone or computer.

Those may seem easy to do. But, when you are actually on the run, they're hard. I have been on the run for nine years. Nine long years.
I look around and see a small food vendor. Good. I'm starving. I quickly run over and ask for an apple. I hand over the rest of my money.
"not enough. You need $2. You only have $1.20" says the lady.
" oh. Can I please have it. I have been walking for days and I am starving."
The lady must have understood where I was coming from because she then says,
" it's ok. Just take the apple. And I'll pay the rest.
"Thank you."
I take the apple and start walking south. I immediately start eating it. After about an hour of taking tiny bites, I finish the apple. By now, I have walked about 2 kilometres from the vendor. So, I am still doing good traveling wise. I don't have any money or food other then the pack of half eaten lays chips. After another hour, the first signs of nightfall appear. So, I head into the small forest just outside the city. In it, I find a small cluster of fallen trees. Hidden in the roots, is a small opening. I crawl in. I pull out the tiny blanket from my backpack and then use the backpack as a pillow. It is still really cold. It takes me awhile to fall asleep, but eventually I do. Sleep is the most important part of my daily routine because when I sleep, my dreams tell me the future. It does work when I daydream,mor this is what causes daydreams. But, often I see things at night Sometimes though, the future changes. So, sometimes the opposite of what I think should happen, happens.
In my dream, I see me running. Which is normal for me. But then, I see a shadow. It attacks me and I make it out with a sprained arm. I have been having this exact same dream for over a month. So, I think it is going to happen soon.
In the morning, I eat a couple chips, and pack my backpack. I crawl out of the hole and head out through the forest.
It's a night mare trying to get out of the forest. As I walk deeper into the woods, the ground becomes harder to see as it gets over run with weeds. The branches all seem determined to grab me as there are so many. When it is almost pitch black, I reach into my backpack and pull out a small flashlight. I turn it on and it flickers. Then, it dies.
"Damn it." I say "why do the batteries always die when I need then to work" I put the flashlight back into my bag and walk in the dark. There must have been a thick root because the next thing I know, I am on the ground. I roll a bit and then rolldown a deep steep hole. At the bottom, I land in a small pool of water. It takes me a while for me focus. I get up and relize that the pool of water is a small river. I think of the bright side. It least I have water.
I pull my thermos out of my bag and fill it up to the brim. I then put a aqua tab in it. I put on the lid and set it out on the side of the river. The branches must be thinner here because it is a lot lighter. I pull my change of clothes out of my bag. I pair of track pants and a long sleeved shirt. I quickly change and hang my wet ones on a low branch. I decide to look around a bit. At the side of the hole, I find a berry bush. I know not to eat strange Berries, but they look like black berries. I pull one off and squeeze it. The juice is a dark purple. The colour of a normal blackberry juice. I figure there ok and eat some. They taste delicious. I fill my leather pouch with them. Then, I hang it back on my neck. I head back to my set up. My clothes are still wet but not soaked. I put them in my bag and climb out of the hole. I keep heading through the forest and adventually, I find my way to the other end. I walk put of the forest just a car comes around the corner at about 40 kilometres an hour. I hear the horn honk and quickly spin around. Just as it is about to hit me, I use my telekinesis to stop it.
"What the..." Says the driver. " Freak! Monster! MUTANT!!! HELP!!!!!!!" She yells.
People come running and the lady who was driving the car tries to drive away. But, can't because I am still holding it. I let go and start running. I begin to hear sirens. And believe the police or mutant hunters are coming. I run down streets with people crashing me. I hear people shooting. I quickly turn down a small alley and then immediately regret it. The alley has a couple shops and then, a dead end.
I hear there thoughts. They are filled with fear and are set on getting me. I see them round the corner and point their guns at me.
This is the end of me.
But, just as they are about to pull the triggers, a white and grey blur nocks them all down. Then, the people start disappearing with the blur. In minutes, they are all gone.
I think back to what happened eight years ago. The people all disappeared in a minute. Someone is trying to help me.
But who?

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