Chapter 16

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Elora's P.O.V.

2 subjects have gone by and now it is lunch. I sit with Kitty, Bobby, Kaitlyn, John and Rouge again.

"So other then math first period, what subjects do you have?" Rouge Asks. I pull out my schedule.

"Umm, After Math I had English, After Lunch I have Physics and a class called Mind Magic. What is that?" I ask.

"Oh. There are special classes for different Powers. Like Bobby and John have one together to help with their elemental powers. There are some for Teleportation, other forms of density shifting, flight etc." Kitty replies.

"Oh, Thanks. Anyways after that I have Mutant History. Tommorow for First period i have Geography then Gym, Biology, Chemistry and than another Math period." I say.

"Hey, You will be doing Gym and Physics with me, rouge will also be doing physics with us and you have Biology with John." Kitty says cheerfully.

"Hey, don't forget me. I had english with you and I will also be in your class for Gym and Geography." Says Kaitlyn.

"Oh Ya, Sorry." Says Kitty. " anyways, Have you been enjoying school here. I mean i know you have only been here for one night and 2 classes, but..."

"It's good." I reply. "I mean its hard because i ran away when I was about 13. I never even started high school, so its kindov difficult jumping in. "

"Oh, Then it must so hard for you." Rouge says. "I ran away while i was in high school. So I missed a lot, but i eventually caught up."

"You said you have been here for awhile, I don't mean to be rude but why are you still attending classes?" I ask her.

"Well, This is a school, we do spend a lot of time training but we still have lots of free time. We are taking classes for extra-credit. Eventually, i might go to college like i wanted but with my powers i think it's best I stay here." Rouge says.

I put my scheduale in my bag and eat an apple John stole from Breakfast.
"Anyways" I begin, "im understanding some of the work but it is still hard. Perhaps you guys could help me with it?" I ask.

"Of course we can." Kitty says.

" Thanks." I say. Hello, Students. I am Sorry for the interuption, but lunch is over and it time to head to your next class.

"Was that our bell?" I ask Kaitlyn.

"Ya. The Professour does that everyday after lunch. We had all better get going. We don't want to be late."

We all stand up, grab our bags and head to class. I follow Kitty threw the mansion to a large room. The inside is filled with tables like the English and Math room. Except these tables are medal and the walls are a slight purplish colour. I follow kitty to a table at the back at sit beside her. Student come in and take their seat. Finally, I man covered in blue fur comes and and tells everyone to sit down.

"Alright class, once again we have a new student. Her name is Elora. if you would like to stand up and tell us a bit about yourself." He says.
As I stand up, i hear someone say hey dude i call dibs, shes hot, by accident with my telepathy. sorry boys, not interested. i say back telepacicly.

"well i'm 21 years old, im telepathic, telekinetic, and i'm precognitive." i say to the class.

The teacher nods at me and i sit back down.

"Thank you Elora. I'm Professor McCoy. Everyone please open your books to page 441 and read until page 445. Elora, catch." the teacher says tossing me a book.

I catch it with my telekinesis. I open it to the correct page and begin reading.
Everything we are learning is new to me. We are learning about The Periodic Table and other stuff i have never heard of. I try but don't understand.

"Do you know what this is?" I ask Kitty.

"Yes." she says. She then explains what everything is.

"Thanks Kitty." I say.

Just as Professor McCoy begins handing out question pages. With Kitty's help, i get the questions done. The bell rings and we pack up our stuff. As i'm leaving the classroom Professor McCoy says,

"Welcome to the school."

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