Kitten ~ Part 2

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Warnings: Cursing, Smut, Extreme Sub!Reader, Threesome

He shifted his hips forward letting you feel his erection already growing under his pants. Dark slid in behind you, his hands slid up under your shirt going straight for the hooks of your bra. His mouth near your ear he rumbled,

“You’ll be thanking us in the end.”

Your legs wrapped themselves around Anti’s waist, instinctively. Your head lulled back onto Dark’s shoulder, giving a soft groan, from both arousal and annoyance. You rolled your hips down, moaning as you went, “I hate you both.”

One hand latched onto Anti’s hair and the other latched onto Dark’s. You shivered arching away from Dark’s cold hands. Anti chuckled, his voice crackling with static as his arousal rocketed up, “First name you scream is the winner.”

In a quick rush he ripped off your shirt, the unhooked bra falling to the floor. Dark dropped his mouth to your neck, his teeth pressing in sharply as they became longer, sucking hard to leave a mark his eyes flashed red. His hands circled to your bare front, to pinch your nipples. You groaned, your head tilting to the side, your body rolling, to arch into Dark’s hand as you grinded down on Anti’s front. Your legs brought Anti closer and you was already feeling a slight throb, your need starting to show. You whined, tugging their hair simultaneously, “A-And if I scream neither?”

Anti worked at the clasp on your jeans, his fingers going beneath the material to press against your clit. His own teeth more predatory he deliberately broke the skin on the shoulder opposite of Dark’s side. Dark pulled his mouth off, his fingers, groping and massaging with hard pinches he grit out, “Then we keep going until there is a name.”

His clothes faded from his body, leaving him bare and able to grind his hardening erection against your back. A shudder ran through your body. A moan tumbling passed you lips. Your legs dropped from Anti’s waist and you used them to sit up on your knees, pushing out of your pants as quickly as possible. One hand reached back, griping Dark while the other one reached into Anti’s pants and did the same. You worked them both without hesitation.

Anti groaned, his mouth sucking hard on the skin to draw out some of your blood. When he unhinged his mouth he greedily kissed you, his tongue forcing its way in. He shucked off his pants, his hips bucking into your hand. Dark used his hold on your breasts to keep you lifted off your knees. He appreciated the gesture you were offering but he wanted that victory. Releasing one of your breasts, he pulled your hand away. Pinning it against your back, he dipped and plunged, shoving straight into your ass.

“Oh, fuck!” You cried out, attempt to sit up, away from Dark. The jerk of your head caused Anti to bite your lip, not that you cared. It was a sudden penetration, one that knocked the wind out of you and brought on a little bit of pain. You whimpered, your legs trembled, but you forced herself to relax. You rolled your hips back, getting yourself used to the feeling.

Anti purred at the additional blood, his lips moved off yours and travelled down to the breast that Dark had freed. Not wanting to be outdone by Dark he pried your hand from his cock. Keeping your hand in his, he clenched it hard, immobilizing you as he thrust his cock into your core. His lids half closed you could see his eyes turn black, his green irises glowing. Catching your eye he smirked, and a surge of energy raced down his skin to coat his cock and flowed into you

“Oh, Fuck.” You whimpered, clenching his hand tightly. You nearly climaxed, then and there. The surge of power made a moan leave your lips and it sent your body trembling. You wanted to stimulate yourself, but you weren’t strong enough to struggle. Almost on the verge of tears from how good it felt, you babbled, “Oh god. Please. Please move. Both of you.”

Dark had only pushed himself halfway in, now he thrust in the rest of the way moving very slowly. His hand released your other breast, shadows covering the tips of his index and middle finger. Reaching around he pressed his, now significantly colder, fingers against your clit, with a smoothed surface he rubbed vigorously knowing it wouldn’t rub the skin raw.

Through the walls of your body, Anti felt the pressure of Dark’s cock as it moved in your ass. Using it as an advantage, he continued to send a pattern of energy along his cock as he thrust at an angle, rubbing that particular wall so it squeezed between their dicks. Your body jerked, pushing upwards to try and relieve yourself, only to be brought back down violently. You were at their will and there was so much happening to you, that you were surprised that you hadn’t started drooling. It felt so good. You were rolling your hips, breathy whines replaced your gasps. Your muscles clenched around the both of them. The heat from Anti’s energy and the cold from Dark had your head swimming. Your head tilted forwards and you cursed Dark’s fingers and Anti’s penetrations.

This wasn’t good enough for Dark, he wanted to hear more from you. Shadows raced along his cock forming raised edges that would be cold as ice. His movements were inch by inch, his cock essentially an ice dildo he was controlling with his hips instead of his hand. Anti thought pain might increase his chances, releasing your wrist he took hold of your hair and pulled tilting your head back to expose your throat, “I’m not hearing anything I like yet, how bout you Dark?”

Dark chuckled, “She could be more vocal.”

“Oh god.” You groaned, goosebumps rising along your body, hardening your nipples. Your body rolled and you swallowed thickly when Anti released your hand, only let out a high pitched yelp, “Oh god!” you repeated, eyes closing tightly. Your toes curled and you cried out, again. Their different paces set you on edge and you both loved and hated it. You were so close, your muscles clenched, ready for release, but you couldn’t reach it. You nearly started crying again, “Please. Oh my god. Please.”

“Much better.” Dark’s voice was a deep rumble, with a quick snap of his hips he buried himself in right to the base of his cock. “Let us hear some more.”

He drew himself out and shoved back in just as quick. Anti giggled his mouth on your throat, his teeth scraping the skin. The ripples of his electricity increasing in frequency, in time to his faster thrusts. Your body tensed and trembled, Dark’s shadow-coated fingers felt so damn good mixed with the heat of electric pulses.

You ground down against them, trying to find the rhythm that you needed, “I-I want more!”

They exchanged a look, a current of power filled the room. They both pulled out. Dark moved his hand off your clit and wrapped it around your waist. He moved you off the couch to stand on your feet, once your were stable the room shifted. Shadows swarmed and the room was gone. You could see nothing, not even the hand in front of your own face. Your arms were pulled behind your back, cold shadows bound your wrists together. Dark’s voice whispered in your mind,

“Let’s see if this is enough for you.”

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