The Assassin and The King [pt2]

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“What’s the contract for?” I asked as one of the butlers set it on the table along with two pens.

It’s our deal, of course. This contract binds it to our souls so that neither of us breaks the conditions on accident.” I nodded slowly. Man, these guys were really formal about this kind of stuff. I skimmed through it. Seemed to be our deal almost word-for-word. I shrugged and signed my name, and Dark signed his. “It’s official. You will act as my mate until you decide to stay for good.” I nodded, noticing he said it as if he expected me to stay.

Dark snapped his fingers, and suddenly I was surrounded by people who were muttering things in that language I didn’t understand. Dark said something to them and I heard him say something that sounded like the word English. Almost immediately they switched languages and started speaking words I actually understood. They were talking about getting me out of my clothes and talking about some type of dress I’d never heard before that would fit me wonderfully.

“Woah woah woah, I’m not wearing a dress!” I exclaimed. They all flinched at the sound of my voice and shut up, glancing at each other nervously. Dark stepped in and turned me to look at him. He explained how here, women who weren’t wearing dresses weren’t treated... the best. His words made me want to start a revolution, but I held back. I wasn’t here to do that. I was here to see why I was drawn to this demon.

Let them make you a dress. You’ll look lovely.” Dark coaxed. I could tell he was just trying to manipulate me, but what he said made sense. I sighed angrily.

“Fine,” I muttered. I hadn’t worn a dress in nearly two decades. Looks like I was breaking my streak. Moments later, someone started trying to take my weapons. Instinctively I yanked out a gun and aimed at their forehead. The others squealed and jumped back, and the person froze, looking ready to cry they were so terrified.

“Don’t. Ever. Touch my weapons.” I hissed. They nodded quickly and I shoved the gun back into my pocket. Dark appeared again.

[Y/n], women don’t carry weapons here. There’s no need to.” I turned and glared at him.

“I don’t go anywhere without at least a gun and a knife tucked away somewhere on my person,” I stated. Dark and I stared at each other for a long moment before he sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to win this one.

Just... make sure they’re not visible.” I smirked and nodded. Dark shook his head and went back to what he was doing. The maids hesitated before leading me up to my room.

Soon, I was dressed in a flowing dark purple dress with a gun and knife strapped to my upper thighs. I felt uncomfortable. The maids were all gushing about how beautiful I looked and became nervous when I didn’t reply. I turned and looked in the mirror. The dress... suited me actually.

“Huh...” I muttered, turning to look at the back. “You guys are pretty good at your jobs.” I saw the maids light up at that. I hiked up the skirt and ignored the gasps as I yanked out my gun. I could probably still move around a lot in this dress, however awkward it would be. I put the gun back and turned around. The maids looked terrified but smiled anyway.

I headed out of my room, trying not to trip on the heels or the hem of the dress. I nearly ran straight into Dark. Why was he standing right outside the door? I saw his jaw drop as he looked at me.

My... you look stunning.” I shrugged.

“I feel like a doll.” I hadn’t allowed them to put makeup on me, and luckily they didn’t insist. Dark seemed fine with the fact that I was going all-natural. He put his hands on my waist and I froze. He leaned in and gazed into my eyes.

It really is a shame we’re not actually mates yet...” He murmured quietly, his hand reaching up, his fingers grazing my cheek. My eyes drifted to his lips, and suddenly we were both leaning in when we were interrupted by a butler.

“Your Highness, the Council--” He stopped when he realized what we were doing, blushing heavily and looking away, quickly stammering an apology. Dark straightened, looking furious, and I took a step back. Did I really almost kiss him? No, I couldn’t already be falling in love with him, could I? It must’ve just been a heat-of-the-moment thing. Right?

What is it?” Dark growled. The butler flinched.

“T-T-The C-Council is he-here!” He squeaked, trembling. Dark regained his composure and grabbed my hand.

Stay by me. The Council is going to ask you intruding questions and are going to challenge and try to intimidate you. Stay civil, and if you do not wish to answer, just stay silent. You are my fiancée. Alright?” Dark whispered into my ear. I nodded and followed Dark down the big staircase leading to the Ballroom.

Dark stopped right in front of the doors and fixed his suit. He glanced at me.“And no bringing out your gun or knife unless a crazy person busts in here and starts attacking people, got it?” I rolled my eyes.

“Fine.” There went my idea of having a good time.

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